Chapter 1, Sisters

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This request is for the zhe awesome @Anime_weirdo_ !!!!!!!

Ok, so In Fairy Tail I'm now when everyone is trying to be an S class wizard, and the battle there is done, and having everyone back after 7 years. I know I'm slow. Just I don't have a lot of time for like at least one episode cause now school is about to start do it sucks I don't have much time for watching anime \(*^*)/ But sooo, I'm gonna start that before that happened so ya.


I hope you enjoy it!!!!



~Normal Pov~

Just another normal day in the guild, Fairy Tail in Magnolia. Another time for everyone to start fighting about whatever started it, but we all knew Gray and Natsu started the whole fighting. Lucy trying to avoid getting hit with using Happy as a shield. The Master Makarov was just drinking some beer, watching with Mira. When he was about to stop everything before it gets worst, the guild door opened to a girl with like blonde on the top but brunette going down her hair, blue eyes, and almost like Lucy. Everyone stopped and turned their heads to the girl.

"T-Tina?" The Celestial Wizard, Lucy turns her head seeing-

"Hey sister!" The girl that's named Tina waved with a big grin like nothing she sees isn't there. "How's it going?"

Everyone in the guild was jaw dropped shocked, "SISTER?!?!?!"

Tina nodded, "Yep you heard correctly! Sister! I'm the sister of Lucy!"

Happy commented, "Oh no... Another Lucy."

Lucy slightly yelled, "What's wrong with just me?!?!"

Tina just walk through with some bags in her hands, going up to Lucy who kicked Happy away, everyone watching every single move she makes. Lucy looks at Tina questioned, "What are you doing here? I didn't even get some message back like in 2 days, I was worried you know."

Tina just smiled and shrugged, "Well I want to surprise you! I'm not also here to stay, I'm also here for being a Fairy Tail wizard. I want to join the guild." She said with confidence in her tone.

Lucy looks concerned but she happened to make her face happy with her bright smile. "Sure! It'll be fun with you around now!" She turns to Master Makarov. "So?"

Makarov stood up and walks up to Tina. He looks up at her with a big grin, "Sure! She's in! Go get your mark! Mira!" he called out, with Mira knowing what to do.

Tina's face lit up, "Wow really?!?! Thank you so much, Master!" Then she heads for the girl, she now knows as Mira.

Then Makarov turns to Lucy, "How come we didn't know about this?"

Then Natsu runs up, agreeing. "Yeah! I never even heard of her in your life!" he slightly yelled.

Lucy smiled nervously, "Well... How about when Tina is finished, you can ask her. Besides I think you'll take an instant liking to her." She nodded to herself.

Natsu raised an eyebrow and asked, "Why?"

Lucy gave a proud, confident, smile. "You'll see."

~Time Skippy by cows~

After Tina got her Fairy Tail mark on her left shoulder, light blue; she was gonna meet everyone. She already met everyone but the ones talking to Lucy. She walks up to them and greeted, "Hi! By my great introduction, you know that I'm Lucy's sister!"

Dragon Love (Fairy Tail FanFic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora