Chapter 3, Super Bad Tickling (short chapter)

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In the guild, everything is the way it is but it's still entertaining and great. But a certain rumour has been going around about Natsu and everyone but Tina knows. Whatever she asks whatever it's about everyone completely walks away or changes the subject. Not even her sister, Lucy will tell her. So she decides to find it out herself.

"Hey Cana!!!! What's up with everyone?" Tina asked, walking up to the girl who's drinking.

Cana stopped drinking for a minute and looks at her and answered, "What you mean? I'm just drinking here. Let a girl drink."

She groaned, "Cana I know you pretty well now. I can tell you're lying 'cause your nose gets longer."

Cana blinked being confused and checked get nose. She looks at Tina and sighed. She motion her to whisper in her ear and said, "Just wait for Natsu ok?" Then she went back to drinking.

Tina raised an eyebrow looking confuse, but she walk away trying to think of what she meant by that. As she went to the counter she sees Natsu with Happy talking to each other with Erza, Gray, Lucy, Wendy, Carla getting in.

"Guys...?" Tina called out confuse. Everyone there had their eyes on her and gave smiles and waves. Tina wasn't convince about their smiles and asked, "What's going on?"

Wendy waves her hands and answered, "Nothing! Nothing! Just them arguing again. Right Carla?" She turns to the white cat.

Carla folded her arms and nodded, "That's true..."

Happy added, "It's not like we're trying to hide something.." Erza smacked Happy by that comment.

Tina more suspicious, she points at Natsu who's quiet. "Then why is Natsu quiet? It isn't like him."

Lucy replied, "Cause he had a stomach ache...?" Her voice went a little high art the end.

Without hesitation Tina went over to Natsu and tickled him, making him laugh and everyone trying to hold in their laughs. Natsu begs Tina to stop then out of nowhere he yelled, "Stop and I'll tell you I like you!!!!"

Tina's eyes widen, stopping, everyone eyes widen as well. Soon Natsu tries to explain but Tina had too many questions on her mind and runs out of the guild, everyone eyes on her. Lucy bit get lip and follows Tina out.


Right outside of the guild was Red smirking, listening to everything from the window. "Maybe I can play a little game with this drama festival..."


Hi!!!!! So sorry it's delayed!!!! School and life... I cannot get stories updated and I'm so sorry and its a short chapter...

I wanted to get this finished through the writers block.

And I have to go again!!! Too much work!!!

Sorry again and bai Otaku's!!!!

~ Sammy-Chan

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2014 ⏰

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