Chapter 2, Tina's First Cheesy Fight

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The next day, Tina headed to Fairy Tail with Lucy getting pretty excited that she made alot of tricks while heading there.

"Uh... Tina?" Lucy said nervously. "What's with all the cartwheels? Fairy Tail isn't that far."

Tina stopped and looks at her sister, shrugged. "I don't know! I guess I'm excited that's all!" she smiled brightly.

Lucy nodded, "Your almost like me when I joined but a little different how I met the guild."

Tina laughed, "You always get into trouble like those. Getting into ridiculous stuff, and always meeting weird boys."

Lucy slightly yelled, "Wh-whatever!!!!!"

Before they know it a building seem to have like an explosion not far. They both look at each other, and nod, knowing what they were thinking. Then, they head to that weird explosion. Once they got there, a boy with silver hair, red eyes, and almost wearing like an army uniform was laughing on top of the broken roof of the bakery shop. "Listen up losers!!! I'll be taking this town!!!!!"

"Hey! Who are you calling a loser?!" Tina yelled and Lucy facepalmed. "And why here?!"

He laughed, "I'm Gil by the way! And this place is full of happines and I want it all to be gone! It makes me sick." He scowled.

Tina smirked, "Fire Dragon Roar!!" She does her skill but he easily got burned and fall off the mesy up building.

Both Tina and Lucy had a sweatdrop. Lucy commented, "All talk huh? Well I guess I should help clean this up." She walks up to the building summoning one of her spirits to clean it up.

Tina was about to help until a lady with long black hair bumped into her while running and they both fell. "Sorry!" Tina slightly yelled and helps the girl up.

"It's ok." she said and sees her guild mark from the angle shes in. "I'm Red." she slightly smirk. "Sorry I should've watch where I was going. Maybe we can hang out sometime." then she sees her partner, Chris not far. "I have to go... Bye!" She waved a little and runs off.

Tina says a small bye then looks back at Lucy who was finished. "Sorry, who was that you were talking to?" Lucy asked, curious.

Tina answered, "I'm guessing a new friend of mine. Let's head back to the guild." Then her and Lucy began to walk off to the guild.

When they got there Natsu and Gray were at each other again and Erza eating her strawberry shortcake and making sure anyone either steps on it ot worse.

Lucy sighed and the day continued for the guild.

~Meanwhile with Red and Chris~

Chris and Red were talking on top of the room. Chris asked, "So how did the puppet worked?"

Red smirked, "Perfect. Just perfect for me to meet one of the Fairy Tail guilds and to be wrap around their finger."

Chris smirked and nodded, "Nice... I guess we got our task then." Red nodded, knowing what he's thinking. "Ok, now can we get down now?" He asked nervously.

Red groaned, "Still scared of freaking heights?! Fine lets go!!" He slightly yelled and helps Chris down. "Why are we even related?" she mumbled.

Chris glares at her and growled, "I heard that!"

She rolled her eyes and looks at him. "You were supposed to." she spat and walks away with him following.


Hey!!! Sowwy its short!!! Its 11 and I do NOT want anyone waiting for a long time ya know? Im a slow writer and so.

Oh! And Gil is kinda suppose to be Prussia from Hetalia cause I cant make anymore characters at the top of my head xD

So ya and sowy cause in 2 more days I'll be an offical freaking 8th grader. Gah!!! Excited and nervous at the same time!!!!!!

Ok enough of that but glad to see 12 reads on this!!! Arigato!!!

See ya later Otaku's!!! Bai~!!


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