Chapter 1 "New Phone"

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My old phone buzzed. New message. I didn't want to look. My tears fell down on the blanket. Soft, heartbreaking tears. I grabbed my blanket and pulled it over my head. Even though I didn't want to, I decided to take a look. It was Janessa, my best friend. I threw my phone away to the other side of my bed. Shivers of cold went through my body, making the situation even worse. My heart was broken by one simple boy. A boy who's eyes are covered, so nobody can see the non-careless expression. He let me down. Broke up with me for some hotter, better girl which, I understand. I'll always stay the not popular girl. My phone buzzed again. Janessa again, "Answer me girl!" No patience. I asked myself why she didn't had any patience. Maybe because she cared. Maybe because she wanted a new thing to gossip about. The next moment of thinking I heard footsteps. My mom walked upstairs which was logical, since I've been up all day. I quickly wiped my tears away and spread the blanket over my bed. "Hey Kenna, sweetie, are you okay? I have a present for you" said mom, scanning my face. I remembered it again. Last year for my birthday my mom couldn't get me anything. "I have a present for you sweetie!" And she gave me a package. I slowly unpacked it, so the blue paper wouldn't be damaged. I grabbed the box out of it. A new phone. The best present a girl could wish for. The realisation took a few seconds to reach my brain. A phone. A freaking iPhone X! "Thanks mom!" I screamed happily. Maybe there was still some hope to make my day...

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