Chapter 2 "Installing"

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"Welcome" in all different languages. That is what my phone said when I clicked on the home button. The screen shined all white in the darkness around me. Another click for the next option. All the things checked and done. My phone installed all my information. Done. My new phone showed all the basic apps from Apple. What should I actually install first? My old phone buzzed again. Again Janessa. "Girl answer me!" is what shined on the screen. My sadness was pushed away by the happiness of moms gift. I grabbed the old phone and typed "OMG I have a new phone, come check out!" Send. Her tag jumped from offline to online. "YES!" was her answer, and I knew she would go to my house immediately. 

The doorbell rang. I ran downstairs and opened the door. Janessa hugged me tight and laughed. "A new phone?! My parents would never give me one!" and she laughed. The feeling of my ex was already pushed down. But, she brought it up again. "I'm sorry, Kenna." and I frowned. "For what?" I answered. "For that moron... your ex." Janessa said quietly. I didn't know how long ago it was I laughed this hard. "That is the past Janessa!" I giggled. I grabbed her hand and ran upstairs. "Let me show you my new phone!" and we ran away giggling.

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