Chapter Two

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Waking up on the roof was never fun, especially after feeling like you were touched inappropriately. Managing to climb down from the roof without completely injuring himself, he finally realized why he was on the roof of the house. Groaning softly as he stepped back into the empty house, he could hear the soft sound of running paws coming towards him. At least he wasn't fully alone. Bending over to pick up the cat, he felt a rough pain shoot through his body, his legs buckling under him almost forcing him to the floor. His stomach was pushing out against his tee from the previous night, looking like he had eaten too much in a meal. Feeling a spell of vertigo as well as a strong sense of nausea, he nearly ran into a wall on his way to the bathroom where he fell in front of the toilet. He felt horrible, and whatever he was throwing up wasn't just bile like he thought it was. Taking a deep breath between retches, he reluctantly glanced into the toilet before he heaved again at the sight. His other hand was pressed against his stomach, trying to force whatever foreign substance out of him. Watching as the electric green substance escaped his body through his mouth, he could feel his stomach clenching around it's lessening contents. Good god what was happening to him? Shakily making it back onto his feet, he flushed the plumbing system before looking in the mirror.

He was a little disappointed, when being abducted, you didn't expect to wake up on the roof and then be forced to empty your stomach of some foreign substance. It occurred to him that he probably should have taken a closer look at the slime. Feeling a furry body rub against his ankle, he couldn't help the smile. Looked like Ringo was trying to make sure that he was alright. It was now rare for the tabby to leave the room if he was in it, over the past few weeks whenever he had gone to take a shower there were always paw patting on the bathroom door from her trying to get into the room so she knew she wasn't alone.

“Hey girl. I'm okay, can't get rid of me that easily.” Trying to keep his own mood up to hopefully help the feline, he lifted her into his arms before she curled up around his neck. It wasn't hard to understand that Ringo was in mourning, her primary caregiver had died. Even if it was a little annoying how clingy the feline was around him, he couldn't manage being mad at her, they only had each other at this point. Carrying the tabby cat into the kitchen after washing his mouth out from the odd taste of the slime, he made sure that her bowls were full before making himself some toast and a cup of tea that would hopefully calm his stomach.


It wasn't too long before he realized that something was really wrong with him, this was obvious to him after only about a few weeks he was going to the store roughly twice a week. Now this wouldn't be an issue if he wasn't the only human living in the house and the shopping list that he was using wasn't meant to feed four people for two weeks. It wasn't a thing about the food going bad quicker either, after the initial week that had left him living with only a cat the food in the house that was left lasted him over three weeks. It didn't help that he was gaining weight either, it was only a small bit but it annoyed him. He was eating much more food than he should be, and he felt ill more often now. Trying to keep his eyes open as he walked through the store aisles, he grabbed some of the basic essentials while trying to ignore the whispers. He knew about the rumors going around, but he would more often ignore them. It wasn't his problem that people thought he had his friends killed, but if he ever found out who started that book he'd show them who they were affecting.

After grabbing what he needed, he barely made it to the checkout lanes, purchasing the groceries before putting the bags over his arms. He wouldn't take too long before he got home, but he'd definitely be passing out on the couch after the food was put away. Getting into his form of residence, he went straight for the kitchen to put what needed to keep cold away before he went to take a nap on the couch. Getting the milk eggs and cheese into the fridge, he put the rest of the bags onto the counter before scooping up the cat who had been trying to curl around his ankles. Heading back over to the couch, he made sure the doors were locked before laying on the red couch, Ringo curled up against his stomach.

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