Chapter Two

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A blueish tom stirred and kicked a pur white tom with a single black stripe on his head. The tom stirred and glanced to see what kicked him and screamed seeing a blue muscular cat.
"VEX.'' he yelled as the tom stood up and said " Percy quit your yelling. I'm taking a nap with Scanlan."
"You stupid we are the only ones here. The others are gone we should find them and figure out who in the hell brought us here. Though we probably know who did" the elegant tom said brushing off his fur and as Grog jumped to his paws and scanned the area.
"Oh the witch asshole and vampire fucker" Grog said as Percy sighed and nodded sadly as he began to head to the running water of the Riverclan river , and to a Riverclan hunting party.
"Now let me lead. To find the party we must be smarter then the Brairwoods" Percival said as Grog stopped and said "uh Percy bein smart isn't my strong point." Percival sighed and continued to make his was towards the rushing river as he stopped suddenly.
"Come on gunslinger I need my buddy and my Pike back" Grog said walking out of the bushes the pair was hiding in and straight face to face with the Riverclan patrol.
"What are you doing on Riverclan territory rogue" a brown tabby she cat said standing next a darker brown she cat.
"Actually that would be Vax. I'm a barbarian " Grog said not truly getting what the group of cats were saying as Percy groaned and jumped from the bushes.
"Is another clan attacking" the smaller dark brown she cat said backing up slightly.
"What is this funny business rogues. Riverclan doesnt like trespassers " a tom said stepping up to Grog and Percy.
"Again I'm no rogue and neither is Percy he's a gunslinger and pretty freaking good at it" Grog said as Percy mentally wanted to jump into the river as he stepped up.
"Parden my friend he isnt the smarter one out of two stones" Percival meowed as Grog looked to him as he opened his mouth to say something but Percy placed his tail near his mouth.
"I am Percival Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III of the baring house of Whitestone. But you may call me Percy" Percival meowed bowing his head.
"Well come with us mr.long name and bring the dumb one too , Mistystar will want to deal with them" the tom meowed leading the pair back to the camp , as Percy kept glancing back to the river and thinking about his family.
"I say I fuck them up and we run" Grog said as Percy shook his head and said "let's get these cats trust and maybe they will help up fight the Briarwoods."
Grog sighed and mumbled a soft fine and followed but kept a close watch not trusting these strangers , but followed his friends lead.
"Mistystar we found these two cats near the river" the tom said steeping up not saying rogue so Grog didn't go off once more about not being a rouge.
"What are your names" Mistystar asked leaping down from high rock to the two toms.
"I am Lord Percival Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III , or simply Percy and this is my friend Grog" Percy said stepping up to meet the blue leader.
"Look we are the same color " Grog chuckled to the leader as she got confused.
"Excuse him , he is not very smart " Percy said and looked to Grog as he sat down and listened to the conversation.
"Reedfeather watch them and let's see what they got and maybe if they show true loyalty , they will be full Riverclan warriors" the blue leader meowed dismissing any cats who had gathered around to see these new strangers.
"This will be easy. While has more loyalty then Vox Machina " Grog said as Percy sighed and walked off to find a good place for the pair to sleep.
"Tomorrow you two will start to train to learn Riverclan's ways" the tom named Reedfeather meowed.
"I wanna name like yours if I'm going to be here" Grog meowed as the tom shook her head as Percy said they had to earn them.
Grog sighed as he curled up in a small nest and looked to Percy who took a second thought to the way these cats slept.
The Whitestone tom and Grog slept as they felt paws shake them awake and Grog jumped up with his claws out
"1Percy they found us " Grog said as Percy groaned and stood up and said "no you dummy it's the Riverclan cats."
"Its time to teach you two the warrior code and some intelligence " the Riverclan deputy meowed as Percy shook his head to the suggestion.
"Let's go I wanna see how you fight" Grog she padding towards the camp entrance and Reedfeather gave Percival a glance who shrugged softly.
"Ok now that you know the 15 basic codes every warrior lives by. Let's begin showing you two have warriors fight" Reedfeather said looking to Grog who sighed and looked to his paws.
"A warrior fights with honor and does not go for the kill if the clan retreats then they retreat ; do not go for a kill bite unless its is necessary, every clan knows how valuable each warrior is" Reedfeather meowed eyeing Grog very carefully who simply nodded and Percy was trying to remember each word for the simple tom.
"Ok white one attack me" Reedfeather said getting into an attack move. Percy gave him a look that said with pleasure as he jumped to a side and leaped onto Reedfeather's back and smiled down to the Riverclan deputy.
"Well done white tom , I can see you being very valuable to our clan " Reedfeather grunted as he stood up and shook his dark fur.
"You blue one. Its your turn let's see what you have" he said as Grog smiled and Percy took a few paw steps back and Reedfeather took in a deep breath ready for the practice blow.
Grog heaved himself into the air landing on the other side of the deputy and slid underneath his belly kicking him some what softly.
The dark tom coughed softly and said "well you two learn fast considering one of them is a total mousebrain. Mistystar will be pleased , and if you keep up the work in less then a moon you will be full warriors" as he stood up and shook the dust from his pelt and catching his breath and lead them to the camp

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