1.Bad Birth.

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It was a dark and stormy night. The doctors were rushing, running back and fourth, bumping into one another. My mom.. She was dying. I was still in her stomach. She was so weak, couldn't take it anymore. The doctors ended up doing a c-section, hoping that she'll survive. Moments past, I was finally out and my aunt cut the umbilical cord. I cried, covered in blood, being wrapped like a burrito into a baby blanket. Yet.. There my mother was. Left there, sobbing weakly, but smiled. Faintly... As I was carried out the room, I opened my eyes and saw my mother's beautiful face. I saw as life let her take her last breath and pull her away from me. It took her from me. That was the only time I ever saw my mother, that amazing smile, the sweat running down her face. Until I was carried into a well lit room with other babies that were taken away from their mothers after birth. I was the only one who didn't leave the hospital with my mother. My aunt didn't want me, neither did my older brother who already had his own family. How could my mom be so foolish and have another child at her age?

As I got older, I realized I was alone. I was only an infant. Waiting for someone to get me from that horrid lit room in the hospital. The sad part is that, the person I longed the most was already taken away from me. I didn't know that until I was only 8 years old. From that uncomfortable hospital crib, I remember seeing the face of a lady and hearing the words, "This one right here? I don't like it, but if it's the only one you have we'll accept her." So from that day, I went home with Jocelyn. The owner of an orphanage in the middle of the woods, upstate Albany. As a child I had to learn how to do things myself. I didn't like receiving help and I always got in trouble. I was a troubling kid. I met some friends though. I met a boy and two girls. Their names we're Siwoon, Kimberly and Genesis. We all became best friends, however we were a very bad group in the orphanage. Once we were at the age of 13, they kicked us out. So we had to wander on our own. We ended up living under a bridge. We created our own home in a secured place. Found spare change, money, unwanted clothes and items, even sometimes stole.

We never grew up like normal children. Didn't go to school, experience family love. We had nothing but each other. 5 years passed and we we're finally 18. We all set off to find my older brother, Jackson.



I'm so sorry it took so long to publish such a short chapter. I'll try to make the next one longer, I've been going through very tough times and barely had time or any motivation/inspiration to write. This chapter is short and trash ik. :(

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