Chapter One-The London Lamps

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We walked along the pathway in London when the lamps flickered restlessly in the dreary, English, weather.

Rory held onto his black hat, as if the wind threatened to blow it off his head, and go down the sewers; Jessica grabbed her younger brother's hat with her small, right, hand.

"Don't ruin it!".

"I won't, Jessica".

He blinked his strained eyes...and they rested their tired legs for a short period of time. Mum and Dad were screaming at home, and ignored their only daughter and son while they discussed the 'D' word-DIVORCE-in the 18th Century library study in their ancient house.

"Why're they screaming?".

"Because they don't love each other".


"The answers are too hard to explain".

"Did we do something?".



"Please listen. I'm scared-".

"You don't have to be-".

"Fine, but we have school tomorrow. It's Sunday morning. And it's teeming rain...And I hate the rain...".


Suddenly a woman dressed in a funny 19th century gown appeared.

Her blue eyes looked at the children...and smiled.

Her parasol was in her left hand; her black boots shifted along the concrete. She was like out of Jane Austen, or Mary Poppins...except she had sharp fangs...And was a Vampire! She glided towards them, and spoke in a high, lilting, voice, that shattered the freezing air.

"Over there, is Mist Gate. The most evil place in London. Aye, I shan't tell you all of those fiends; I shan't...No".

"Mist Gate is a legend", Jessica said.

"One of many legends...And other things that dwell in the dark. As a Magic Lord, it is I, as a Vampire, who oversees all happenings in England".

"A...", Rory begun to say.

"Oh, dear me, I'm Lady Giger".

"Lady Giger".

"Yes, and I feed on blood".

"Will you bite us?".

"You have to ask for that, boy".


"And now, follow me children through the London Lamps...and into the Other World. Hold my hands'll see what I see".

And, with a burst of magical energy that came from her hands when she clapped them, they were transported into the Magic Lords' world.


The World shifted...

...Swirling images blanked the children out; swiring mirrors shifted in the grey colors of the void; swirling mists caused them to hold onto the Magic Lord, while they eventually stopped. And, instead of the modern, 21st century London, England way of living that was full of stress, cell phones, and I-technology, was replaced by the old fashioned period drama of a bygone era of England's romantic..and magical...past.


And then Jessica, Rory, and Lady Giger crashed onto the ground.

"Oh, my! It is broken!".

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