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I'm walking through the busy streets of Busan with my heavy case behind me. It was raining here. I should have known that when I moved to South-Korea then I had brought a umbrella with me. I pulled my hoodie and took a deep breath. I hate rain. I walk further through the streets where I avoid people who want to walk past me. I heard the ringtone of my phone in my pocket of my jacket. "Shit" I whisper and stop walking to get my phone. Some people look at me angry because i block the road. I sigh and pick up my phone.

"Kim Hyun." I said. "Wrong number." I heard a woman voice. I sigh. All that trouble for nothing. If I wanted to do my phone back in the pocket of my jacket someone hitted me. I fell into a pool of water and my phone fell on the hard paved street. "Can't you watch out?" I said agry to the person who hitted me. It was a long boy with broad shoulders. He had a hood and a mask, so i could not see his face. "Oh I am so sorry. I am such a clumsy person. Aren't you hurt?" The boy said when he held his hand out to help me stand up. "It's okay." I said. "I am already wet of the rain." He picked my phone off the ground and gave it to me. "Believe me. This is not the first time I walk against people." He said full of shame. Then he held out his hand again. "Hi I'm Jin. Nice to meet you."He said when he did his mask off. "I'm Hyun. Nice to meet you too Jin."I shook his hand."But I think it would have been nicer that I had not been on the wet ground" I laughed. I saw his cheeks getting red.

"I am so clumsy. Let me make you well with a cup of coffee." He said.

"No it's not ne-"

"It wasn't an offer." He said seriously. He took my case and we walked together toStarbucks Gwangalli , a café in Busan. We went inside and sat down at a table. A girl came to us quickly. 

"What do you want to have?"She asked when she was focused on her note block.

"Two coffee please?" He asked whemn he was looking at me. I nodded. At that moment the girl looked at Jin and het eyes became big. I heard a little sigh of Jin. "Are yo-" "No you confuse yourself with someone else." Jin said. Her head became red and whe walked away. "What did that made sense?" I said a little bit irritated. He laughed. "Sorry but why are you laughing?" I asked. Jesus, It was just a normal question. He bit his lip and took his phone out of his pocked and looked for something. 

"Here, two coffee." Said the girl and gave us both a cup of hot coffee. "Thanks." I siad when i wrapped my cold hands around my cup of coffee. Jin paid the girl and then took a sip of his. Then he gave me his phone and I saw a group of seven young men. I frown but it quickly disappears when I know who is in front of me. I am so stupid.

"Oh my god. Why didn't i notice it? You are Jin of BTS!" I said when I facepalmed myself.

He laughed and took his phone away. "Not just Jin. It's Mr. Worldwide Handsome for you." He said whe he winked at me. I laughed.

"You are feeling youself very stupid hah?"

"Oh you had to know."

When I said that I heard a girl screaming. Then I looked at jin why]o was hiding in his hoodie. "There we go... three, two, one...."

"OH MY... ISN'T THAT JIN OF BTS?!" I heard a girl screaming. And a group or screaming girls quickly formed in front of the cafe.

"Okay Jin I dont know how this goes but you have to go now." I said dissapointed.  But the only thing he did was sitting there very quietly taking a sip of his coffee.

"I will go when you are coming with me. Or you get hurt because of the girls outside"He said.

"Jin you have to go now!"

The group of screaming girls became bigger and bigger. I sarted to panic and stood up.

"Jin! We really have to go." I said when I was picking my case.

"Hehe what did I told you?" He said with a stupid smile on his face.

"Goddamnit Jin."I said and grabbed jin by his arm and dragged him to the back exit of the cafe. 

"My car is around the corner." He said when we were running through the streets of Busan. I saw a beautiful black car. Jin stopped with running and picked his keys. He held the door open for me and I stepped in. He stepped in and we drove away.


Eyo ladies and gentlemen! I hope you guys love the prologue of my new story "Don't Leave Me". You can find me on Amino (if you are intrested in it). And I am sorry if my English isn't very good but this is my first fanfiction in English. I did write a story in English because i know so many people who love BTS and who are coming from a another country and who can't read my language. So for you guys here is a story in English! I purple you all. LOADS OF LOVE!!!

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