Chapter 3

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"We are going in the car!" Taehyung yells while he walks to the gate instead of the garage, where the boys' cars are. The big gate opens and I see a big, black limousine. My mouth falls open.

"We keep surprising you, don't we?" Winks Namjoon. I roll my eyes but keep my mouth shut. After Jimins' eruption I'll take care of it. I want to have a nice evening and without problems. I have to take it easy, I don't feel so good.

It will pass again. Hopefully...

A tall man keeps the limousine door open for me. I smile gretefully and get in. The inside is covered with black leather and there is champagne and other kind of alcohol everywhere. I don't drink but an exception maybe made right?

"So Hyun, do you think Busan is fun?" Yoongi asks while Hoseok pops the champagne bottle open. I start to frighten and the rest began to scream, except Jimin of course.

"I have not seen much of it, I have only been here for a few days, I have been particularly busy with refurbishing my room and getting to know people, but despite the weather, I think it's a beautiful city." I confess. Yoongi smiles warmly. His smile is so cute. It looks like a gummy smile. I just wanna squeeze those cheeks.

"You are English right?" Hoseok asked while he was fucusing on the glass in his hands.

"Yes I'm from London" I tell them while I take my hand through my hair and stare at the leather couch in front of me.

"Kim Hyun? A man in black is at the door. I raise an eyebrow. "Can I help you sir?"I asked. "I'm really sorry to tell you this but your parents and brother are died in a plane accident on the way to Russia." At that moment I see my world breaking into pieces. "Condoned and strenght with your loss. Your aunt is your new guardian. She can be here anytime but..." At that moment I stopped listening, it was useless, thet are dead. My aunt never cares for me, she never liked me. "Can I see them?" I ask. "Their bodies are in the hospital but they are completely burned. Your aunt already identified them. We are sorry..."

"Hyun? Are you okay?" Taehyung grabs my arm.

"Yes I'm fine, sorry. What did you ask?"

I see how Yoongi frowns. "I didn't ask anyting."


"A little bit daydreaming, hah?" Says Jimin while he takes the champagne bottle from Hoseok and put it on his mouth, drinks a full sip and when the bottle is almost empty he puts it on the table with a bang.

I didn't answer.

"Jimin, enough now!" Jin stands up and grabs the bottle. He throws him next to Jimins head. Jimin doesn't give a fuck and stands up too.

"What enough? Enough of playing friends? I am only telling her the truth Jin!" He yells and breaks a whisky bottle on the table. I get a glass shard in my hand and see how he begins to bleed heavily. I ignore it and grab Jin with my good hand, fighting agaist the rising tears. "Jin, calm down, it's okay. I was not there with my thoughts." I say while I gently squeeze his hand. I feel several pian through my hand that is bleeding but I ignore it. Warm strains of blood run over my skin and splashed on the floor.

"Oh my god! Hyun..." I hear Jungkook behind me. I turn aroud. "Your hand is bleeding." Namjoon yells. Jin turns around and looks shook at me bleeding hand. I look at my hand and see that it's tatally red of te blood what's dripping down. I can see many little pieces of glass in the wounds. I bite my lip end sit on the couch.

"Fuck..."I mumbled and looked at my hand what is red of blood now. Jimin gets out the car and mumbles something to the driver and then steps back in the car. The silence was so awkward and so quiet that you only can hear the motor of the car roaming and the heartbeat of out hearts. A few minutes later the car stopped and Jimin gets out of the car. He told us to stay so we stayed where we are. I was quietly sobbing because of everything what happened this day. 

Jimin came back with a EHBO case and pushed the other boys away and put the case on the ground of the car. He took a bandage, scissors and tape out of the case. He carefully took my hand to not hurt me. He looked at the pieces of glass in my hand and start pulling one by one out. Yoongi took my other hand and  strokes it to calm me down. I bit my lower lip because of the pain and taers where streaming down my cheeks. "Shit" I groan and I see Jimin his face looking at me. He looked at me worried but that faded away quick and he focussed again on my bleeding hand. 

"Everything is going to be alright." Yoongi said while he was still stroking my hand to calm me down a little. I nod and looked at my hand again while Jimin was wrapping the bandage around my hand. When he was finished with me he started to clean the stuff quietly. I just stood there and watched him while he still didn't said anything. 

"T-thank you..." I mumbled quietly and smiled a little. Jimin looked at me softly "It's my job" and then he putted his cold mask on again. "But don't get used to it" He said. I sat down again and looked down. I hear the other boys mumbling with each other but I ignored it. 

After a few minutes I feel the car stopping and the boys get out. I lookedd out of the window and saw we were home again. I was confused "Guys aren't we going to a restaurant?" I ask. "No I thought it was better you dressed up and we sayed at home." Jimin said "And I've already ordered pizza." He smiled a little. I nodded and get out of the car. 

I feel so emberassed of today but that faded away quickly when I saw Jungkook, Taehyung and Hoseok running to the door. "Lets have a pizza party tonight!" Hoseok yelled. 

I feel a arm wrapping around me and I looked beside me and saw Jin. He smiled "Forget all what happened earlier and be happy" I nodded and smiled when I entered the house.

Tonight it will be a good night....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2020 ⏰

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