10; Hard

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...already got watermelon from Chloe! (Pranked ya) I walked in, put the food down and shook my head.

"I see your girlfriend's watermelons are better than mine." I said and everyone burst out laughing. I was so confused.

"What? Why is everyone laughing?" Then I realised.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh" I started laughing with them. We all eventually calmed down and ate our food. Dr. Boyd came in after a few minutes.

"I have some news for you." Dr. Boyd said to us.

"What is it?" Daniel asked.

"You can leave!" The doctor replied with a smile. Chloe got so excited she jumped up and hugged Dr. Boyd. He hugged back and put his hand where he shouldn't.

Daniel's POV

I thought it was a friendly hug but then I saw him put his hand on Chloe's ass and smirk. I flipped.

"HEY DON'T TOUCH MY GIRL LIKE THAT!" I said whilst I got up.

"Whoa dude, ch-" he said.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, ASSHOLE!" I interrupted and punched him right on the nose. He kept trying to speak but I wasn't having any of his shit, I grabbed a crutch (they always have a spare pair in this hospital, quite good) and whacked him right in the temple, hard. He fell to the floor and just led still. He didn't move at all. The police ran in and grabbed me. Chloe was already crying and Jonah was hugging her. As I was dragged outside I looked at Jonah.

"Take care of her." I said with tears rolling down my face and I was gone.

Jonah's POV

We all stayed there for nearly 15 minutes. I sat with Chloe on the bed and she cried into my shoulder. Jack was holding Chloe's hand and had his other arm around Zach.

"We should go back to the hotel." I said. They all agreed and we left the hospital.
A/N sorry this is a bit short I'm feeling sick so yeah goodnight xx♥♥

"No you don't" Jachary Fanfic (Not Going To Be Finished)Where stories live. Discover now