Getting Started

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"Alex!" Screamed all the girls at the one and only Alex Ramos.

Instead of responding he walked up to his usual fuck, Linda.

"Hi there." He spoke to her, in an overly manly voice.

"If it isn't the famous Alex Ramos." She smirked at him.

"That's me." He replied smugly. Then he nodded his head towards the women's bathroom and she already knew what was about to go down. While smiling she swayed her hips, which were covered by shorts, (practically underwear) past him and towards the bathroom.

He smiled internally.

Drinks? Check.

Girls? Check.

After waiting for the bathroom to be cleared out Linda pulled Alex in by his collar, starting the sexual play.

5 minutes later

"Wow that was longer than usual." She smirked at him while standing up from her knees.

His face turned red at the remark from the girl, what was her name? Damn he already forgot.

"Lana let me make love to you.." He mumbled, eyes closed, pushing Linda softly against the wall.

"Lana? Who's Lana?" Linda asked curiously.

His eyes shot open and he was sobered up immediately. After quickly zipping up his pants he nearly ran out of the bathroom, memories rushing through his drunken mind.

"Fuck. Fuck!" His mind kept repeating.

He quickly found one of his friends, Will.

"Man I need to go now." He practically begged.

Will ignored him and went back to flirting with the brunette goddess sitting on his lap.

Alex quickly ran to the car and pulled the keys from his pocket.

Once inside the car he pulled out his phone and scrolled the contacts, after seeing the name "Lana" in it he nearly collapsed.

"FUCK!" He screamed at the air, while slamming his fists on the steering wheel.

Thoughts swirled around his head. Not good ones either. He slammed the keys into the ignition and pulled the car out of the parking lot.

Pulling up to the red light he thought,

"I could die right now if I went through this light. All this could be over. I wouldn't be a failure anymore." Right as he was about to push on the gas pedal the light turned green.

A huge sigh left his body and he quickly made his way home.

"Wait I left my house keys in Wills' car.." He said to himself. He's locked himself out of his house multiple times before, but never this late.

Ringing the doorbell would be a death sentence, one he didn't want.

Tip toeing around to the backyard he slowly lifted the latch on the gate.


"Shut the fuck up!" He whisper yelled at the gate.

He finally made it to his bed for the night, his family's old sweet trampoline.

Authors note:

Hi so this might be long but it's very important.

So I know my writing is really really bad right now, but it's summer so don't blame me. When school starts I'll be back up to normal megan writing again (long ass chapters :p) because I'm in honors English and I'm used to it but I haven't wrote an essay in 3 months sooo 😏 anyway haha,

In this story I'm going to be using some of Alex's friends like will (obviously) , skylar, and more.

And to all the people thinking "omg he's not even like that!"

I know! Haha! I've been a #betcherina for almost 7 months now lmao. I'm just using a much different personality, and a lil bit of his. As you can tell from the screaming and what not (;

But anyway I made it really confusing so that you HAVE to read on in order to get it. You HAVE to (;

- mysterious intel

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