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Hello!!!!! I'm new to Wattpad, and this is my first story. I apologize now if this story is bad or there are a lot of grammar mistakes. I'm not good at grammar :D I also wanted to say that if you have any suggestion for this story, I would love to hear them, but please keep your hateful comments to yourself. If you don't like then don't read if you don't like but still read then, that's your fault, not mine. This is just a fun, weird story I've been thinking about lately; I hope you enjoy!

Awake. I'm awake.

Grrr, I don't like waking up, especially Mondays. Mondays mean school and homework and my Spanish speaking quiz is today.

My name is Zoey Tamisi. I'm 18 years old, and I live in New York with my birth dad and my mom. Yes, she's my stepmom, but she's been a part of my life for forever, I can't remember a time when she wasn't present. My birth mom and stepdad, along with my two younger siblings Duncan and Kat live in Colorado. I go and see them every summer and one other school break. It's not fun going back and forth, but it's nice to see them.
Anyway, the bus comes in 10 minutes. That gives me plenty of time to listen to one of my favorite songs and dance around the kitchen! Weird I know, but it makes me happy and wakes up before I have to go to math. I pop in my earbuds and push play on Counting Stars by OneRepublic. By the time the song ends I'm out of breath and smiling like an idiot as a bow to my imaginary crowd. I know I look like I'm crazy, but hey, to each be their own. I look outside and see the bus is down the road picking up my neighbor. As I enter on to the dull, lonely bus, I quickly scan the bus for an open seat in the front. I like to sit alone and watch the world go by outside. Just two more weeks then graduation, I look down at my phone and realize I had gotten a text from my friend Max.

( Zoey - line   Max ~ squiggle)
~Hey, beautiful ready for school?                                                                                      -As ready as I'll ever be, you?                                                                                                 ~Yep! Wanna meet up at my locker to talk?                                                                      -Sure, I'll see you there                                                                                                           ~Ok, see you soon Z 

I roll my eyes he's such a flirt, he's 5'10'' has dark brown hair and tan skin, he's a heartthrob. He had said he liked me at prom and I nearly died, I've known him since 9th grade and had a crush on him since 10th grade. I do still like him, but I also like another person, his name is August, I'll talk more about him later. I wonder what Max wants to talk about, probably about graduation plans and summer plans. He's been talking about our friend group going to the waterpark the day after finals to celebrate the end of high school.

As soon as I get to school, I walk straight to his locker which is close to the door and is on the way to my locker, which is the farthest from the bus loop. Max is there leaning against his locker watching the crowd of people walk by trying and failing, to find me. I'm not the tallest person; I'm 5'2'' while the average height at school is 5'7''. So looking for me is like looking for a shrimp in a sea of fish. I try to push my way out of the steam of people to get to Max. Once he sees me, he smirks and grabs my arm fully pulling me out of the crowd.

"Hey Georges, I didn't see you there." He said while waiting for my reaction to his comment on me being short.

"Thanks, Maxy!" I said with my most sarcastic sweet voice. "How's the weather up there? I heard that there's a chance for an oversized ego with a slight chance of annoying teachers today?" Max just stared at me and busted out laughing, after a bit, I joined in. His laugh is just so contagious!

"That was by far the worst tall joke ever. Thanks for that small fry." He winked at me, making me blush. We started walking down the hallway to my locker. I had been right he wanted to talk about the waterpark idea. How he had gotten season passes and was willing to give me and our friend Jake. When we made it to my locker, all my other friend were there, so there was about 8 of us in total. Me, Max, Rachel, Kathryn, Hunter, Jay, Patrick and Chyanne. My friends, my family, my reasons to come to school.

After I put my stuff away and talk to everyone for a bit, the music comes on. Now at my school when the music comes on it means you have 5 min to get to your class. I look over at Hunter. " Ready for class? Or as I should say, ready to slowly die!" He laughed but nodded, we quickly said bye to everyone and headed down the hallway to Math. Yep, math class is the first thing, now do you see why I said die?

"Did you do the homework?" Hunter asks out of the blue. I sigh and nod my head, of course, I did the homework, I always do. Hunter, on the other hand, doesn't, but our teacher does check our homework, she goes over the answers.

We take usual seats in the front of the room closest to the teacher. We are her favorites, not to brag. After class, I say bye to Hunter and head off to English, then study hall. Once in study hall I wave to my friend Kim, she's a sweetheart with a bad mouth. I sit in the front and take out my notebook and start to daze.

My math homework is already half done, and my Spanish speaking quiz is after lunch. Other than that I have nothing to do. So I pull out my phone and start texting August. He's homeschooled and already completed his senior year and likes to sleep in late, so he doesn't answer. So I do what everyone else would do, I stare off into space and think about my life.

Hmm, boys? To confusing.

School? Boring.

Family? Don't want to cry.

Friends? Meh.

Summer? Oh yeah! I can't wait, I'm going to Flordia and to the camp at which I work! I keep thinking about summer and how I want it to go. After a while, I start thinking about going to the waterpark with my friends. It would be fun, but I know my parents will say no, they are very strict and if boys are going and I'll be in a bikini, then the answer is simple. I. Cant. Go. I keep thinking about everything till its like I disappeared into my head like I'm dreaming, and the real world is gone.  

AwakeWhere stories live. Discover now