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As the bell rings, I'm thrust into the world or reality again. I'm awake.

I shake the rest of my sleep like daydreams out of my head. Had I really been gone that long? Wow, it always seems like I like to be in my head more then here in reality. What class do I have next? My mind is still a bit foggy from being gone so long. Luckily my friend reminds me by screaming "Lunch Time!!!!!" in my ear. Oh yeah, the best part of the day!

I quickly pack up my things and head out the door and speed walk to the lunch room. Or at least I tried to speed walk there, why do people walk so slow?

Eventually, I get to the lunch room and dart straight to the right where I and my friends always sit. There were all my friends and then some. I squish in between Max and Chyanne, we really need a bigger table. The school tables are meant for 8 people to sit comfortably not 12 squished. Just as I'm about to sit down with my 'delicious' and 'nutritious' school lunch, my friend Eric pulls me outside the cafeteria asking to talk to me.

Eric and I have been friends for about 3 years, he's a year younger and is very popular so I don't get to see him much. Anyways, as we walk to his locker so he can grab his sweater, we talk about how school is going today. I was getting nervous I had no reason to be but I was. It wasn't till we got to his locker that I found out why.

"I like you."

I just stared at him. He likes me? How?

"I really like you Zoey and I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend?" He explained seeing my obvious confusion.

"I, uh, well, um, I, uh" Stupid words work! He's my friend and I don't want to say no and lose his friendship, but I also don't see him that way. As I keep stumbling over my words the look of amusement grows in his eyes. "Yes or no, don't worry about my feelings, well be friends no matter what I promise." Well, I put all my focus into saying the word. "No, I sorry, I don't see you that way, you're my friend. But I will continue to think about it, ok?" He looked disappointed but happy at the same time. We walked back to the lunchroom in silence, and once there we went our separate ways to our friends.

As soon as I sat down I was bombarded with questions about what Eric wanted and where we went. My friends are very protective of me, I'm the oldest but I look and sometimes act like the youngest. Once I explained what happened and my answer, Jake smiled and left with Chyanne and Kat. I looked around confused but no one said anything so I dropped it.

After lunch, I went to my locker to grab my note cards for Spanish. There taped with mustache tape to my locker was a note with my name on it. I look around but no one was in this part of the hallway but me. I take the note and open it.

' Zoey,'
' I don't know how I would survive school without you. Your probably the only reason I am passing school right now, to be honest. I don't want to make things weird but I can't keep this to myself anymore. I like you. I really like you. From your brains to your childish side, from your clumsiness to your strength. I love your laugh and the look of 'rage' you get when people call you short. You are the milk to my cookie. I would be a chocolate chip cookie, cause that's our favorite cookie. So I have to ask, Will you be my girlfriend?' ~Jake         

'❐ Yes ❐ No ❐ Maybe'

I reread the note like 4 times before I could think of anything. Jake, I mean yeah I do kinda like him, but was I ready to say yes to him? To give up August? I sighed Just what I needed another person asking me out. Why me? I don't see any of them asking Chyanne, Jay or Kat, no just little old Zoey. I grab my note cards and head to Spanish, I'll continue thinking about this later. Right now I have a Spanish speaking quiz to fret over.

I sit down in class and go over my notes when the teacher walks in she passes out an activity packet for us to complete, and the best part, it's all in Spanish, yay. Btw that was sarcastic. I am bad at Spanish and don't like this class, but I have to take it so here I am. As I start to fill out the packet I start fussing over the quiz, waiting for my name to be called. I'm strangely the middle person in my class, so I have to wait about 40 minutes before I get called. So I sit wait and return once more to my dreamland and before I know it, I'm gone from reality.

Hey! Its E.W. I hope you like this chapter. Half of this story is from personal experience the other half is what I wish had happened. Anyways, Thank you for reading and thanks for the comments! Please leave a comment, I love to hear feedback! Also for an amazing story check out RachelB_2018 Souls that yearn!!! It's amazing, she is truly talented. Till next time, Peace

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2018 ⏰

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