Mind and Body

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Hank and Barb Thunderman loved each other. They loved the four years they had been married, and they cherished the time they spent alone with each other. So, a few weeks after their fifth anniversary, they were surprised to find out that Barb was pregnant. Hank rushed her to the hospital where the doctor eventually told them that they were having twins. Identical twins to be exact, meaning they would develop the same powers when they were grown.
"Oh, what are we going to name them, Hank?" Barb squeezed her husbands hand before continuing, "how about William and Maximus if they're boys?"
"And Phoebe and Megan if they're girls?"
"I think those are wonderful names."

The twins were born Phoebe Monica Rachel Thunderman and Megan Octavia Thunderman. Barb and Hank held their children close, and laughed when balls of light emitted from the children's bodies whenever they touched. If the two girls slept the night gripping each other's hands in their crib, then no one knew the better unless they saw the ball of light floating above their heads.

Hank and Barb were surprised when they slept through the night, and they were even more surprised when their newborns were the size of 12-month-olds. They'd taken super health, so they knew that superhero babies grew at a faster rate than human babies, but it usually took a couple of days. They decided to shrug it off as a twin thing but were later shocked when their girls decided to sonic scream their ears off.
It was another two days until the next growth spurt. Megan seemed happy when she began to talk before Phoebe did, but Phoebe seemed to be less invasive and preferred to work on her walking and other physical abilities. Even though the twins looked identical, Barb could tell the children apart. Phoebe's hair was a dark brown through and through, but Megan's hair turned from a lighter brown to a darker brown as her hair grew longer.

"Mommy, can you cut my hair?" Megan tugged on her sleeve.
"Sure, Sweetie. Let's go to the bathroom." Barb smiled as she watched her youngest daughter (by twenty seconds) run excitedly to the bathroom. "How short?"
"I want it short like Daddy's. I wanna be just like him when I'm older." Megan stood with her legs slightly spread, and with her hands grasping her hips.
Barb laughed at her daughter's words but complied nonetheless. Megan gleamed back at her reflection the entire time.

"Daddy, look! I look like you!" Megan yelled when Hank walked into the house. Her light brown hair mimicked her fathers locks with the exception of the curls.
Hank laughed and swooped the child up into his arms, "where's your sister, kiddo?"
"Ummm . . . Outside?"
"Why don't you go and play with her while you mom and I make dinner?" Hank suggested. Megan smiled and ran to find Phoebe.

Megan hadn't meant to cut the heads off her sisters' dolls when they were five. She didn't know why she had done it, but her sister had cried and she didn't feel good about it after. She tried to apologize, but then Phoebe had called her a villain. Phoebe threw a doll at her and ran off to find the superglue. Megan ran off to their room crying and hid from their parents for a good forty-five minutes. She cried because she had hurt her sister. She cried because she didn't know what was wrong with her.
Her parents eventually made their way down the hall, and what they said didn't make her feel any better. They unknowingly told her that they thought she'd become a supervillain, just like Phoebe had called her. They talked about her misbehavior, and maybe they were right. She never fit in. The kids at school only talked to her when they thought she was Phoebe, and her parents seemed to pay more attention to Phoebe because the teachers praised her more even if their other daughter got better grades. Phoebe was the only one who seemed to really care. Phoebe played freeze tag with her, and everyone knew that they didn't leave each other's side. But that was all ruined now. Phoebe had called her a villain, so a villain she would be.

"Meg! How could you?" Phoebe screeched at her twin. "I just wanted to have a good photo taken."
"Face it, Dweebs. As long as I'm around, you're never gonna have a good school picture," Megan chuckled, flipping her shoulder-length hair as they walked into the house. "Guess you'll have to wait for next years pictures in middle school."
"Meg, Pheebs!" She heard her eight-year-old brother --Billy-- call out before he ran into the wall behind her. "Ow."

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