Chapter 28

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Ariana's p.o.v.

It's almost time for Ricky to arrive and I've been nervous all day. I've gone through all of the conversations we could possibly have and every single one of them make me nervous. My mom has been here for at least an hour and she's noticed something going on but hasn't asked what it is. The doorbell rings and I rush to get it. I open the door and Ricky is standing there smiling.

Ariana- come in

He gives me a hug which surprises me but I hug him back. He walks over to the couch and takes a seat. I sit in a chair that isn't too close to the couch so I'm not crowding his space. Wilder runs into his arms as soon as she enters the room. The twins don't notice him sitting there and walk over to their toys.

Ricky- would you mind maybe taking them a little earlier? I really have to talk to Ariana

Joan- no problem. I already have everything ready.

We both go and kiss the kids and I tell my mom bye. She gives me a questioning look and I know she's wanting to know what is happening. I shrug my shoulders and guide her toward the door. I turn around and Ricky is looking at all the pictures on the wall, running his finger along some of the frames. I stand there and watch him for a bit. He turns around and sits on the couch patting the seat next to him. I sit down and avoid looking at him as he's staring at me.

Ariana- sooooo what did you want to talk about?

Ricky- us, where we're going

Ariana- where are we going?

Ricky- I honestly don't know. I'll always love you, you know that but.... I met someone else

Ariana- oh umm, that's great

Ricky- I don't want us to be the way that we have been. I want us to talk and have a friendship and be able to hangout without it being awkward

Ariana- so who's the girl that you met?

Ricky- her name is Haley, I met her at the bar and we got to know each other. I really like her

Ariana- that's good. I'm glad you're happy

Ricky- I'm not going to bring her around the kids anytime soon though. I want to wait until you've met her and you're comfortable with her meeting them

I look down at my hands to avoid looking at him. I told myself to be prepared for anything but I wasn't ready for this just yet.

Ricky- are you happy?

Ariana- yes I'm very happy for you

Ricky- I don't mean are you happy for me. I mean are YOU happy?

Ariana- I'm as happy as I can be

Ricky- I'm sorry that this is the conversation that we're having. I really do love you, I love you with everything that I have

Ariana- it hurts though, doesn't it?

Ricky- yeah. We love each other so much that it hurts and it's just not healthy

I nod my head and look back down at the floor. We sat in a comfortable silence for a minute which was nice.

Ricky- so do you have any plans for the rest of the day

Ariana- I was going to go to the store to pick up a few things and I need to buy a potty for Wilder so we can start potty training soon

Ricky- can I go?

Ariana- yeah sure

On the way to the store he started doing his thing where he starts asking me a thousand questions.

Ricky- so you haven't met anyone since we broke up?

Ariana- nope

Ricky- why not? You can get anyone you want

Ariana- because I wasn't looking for anyone else

Ricky- I wasn't either but it still happened. Maybe if you wou-

Ariana- I haven't been anywhere to meet anybody. I've only gone to three different places this whole time and that's at home, the store or the studio. You don't meet a lot of guys in those places

Ricky- well why don't you go out? You can go with your girls and I can watch the kids

Ariana- why do you want me to meet someone so bad Ricky? Why can't I just be alone?

Ricky- I just want you to be happy

Ariana- okay well stop trying to push relationships on me. I can be alone and be happy

Ricky- okay, sorry

The rest of the drive was quiet and not in a good way. I really wish I would have come by myself. The truth is I'm not happy that he found someone else and I'm not happy being alone. I don't want to go find someone else either though, I want him. When we finally get to the store I am in no mood to shop for anything. As we're going through the store I just throw everything into the cart and move on as quick as I can. There were some fans that I took some pictures with, I wish I was in a better mood for them so we could talk a little bit but I just couldn't do it today.

Ariana- I think we got everything. Did you need to get anything else?

Ricky- no, we can go now

The ride home was quiet. Neither one of us made an effort to make conversation. The only thing stopping the complete silence was the radio that was barely playing. When we finally got home we both took the groceries inside and put them away together. He sits down on the couch and I sigh, I was hoping he would just leave already.

Ricky- is there anything you want to talk about?

Ariana- not really. I think we've talked enough today

Ricky- I think it's time for me to go then

Ariana- yeah I think that's a good idea

I really wish this day would have gone the total opposite. I was definitely not expecting him to tell me he met someone else. Is this really how we're suppose to end? It just doesn't feel real.

I am so sorry this took soooo long. I really want to end the book soon because I am not in the mood to write anymore

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