Chapter two

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When the sun is up the light shines in the Huey's room huey groan and got up and yawn looking around to see if no one is awake except him he look at louie still sleeping he sigh and get off his bed and went to the bathroom to wash his face to keep him awake he sigh looking himself in the mirror

while louie was starting to awake huey sigh turn off the lights and close the door went back to his room and saw louie sleeping he try to stay sleep huey went to him put his arm around louie

Why louie have a nightmare with me ?

He thought looking at him sleeping in his bed he sigh he playing in his hair louie smile a bit in his sleep huey smile at him seeing him sleeping

While he saw dewey got up and went to Huey's room he walk in he yawn and look at huey

"hey huey hows your sleep?"he said softly looking at huey he sigh

" sometimes not well I still tired."he said while he hold louie dewey sat down next to him he sigh too

"he's still asleep huh?"he said looking at louie sleeping on Huey's arms he sigh

"yeah he had a rough night yesterday." he explain to dewey he look at him confusing

"why?"he ask

"because he had a nightmare last night and I try to calm him down it took an hour to calm him down and fast asleep."he explain and dewey exclaim looking at louie he struggle he hug huey in the weast and huey try to keep him sleep

"it's ok lou."he said softly dewey smile at him a little

"he's still had nightmares did he?"he whispers to huey he nodded yes

"well I going downstairs you going right?"he ask huey nodded and out louie down on the side so he can sleep long enough he sigh tuck louie in he struggle to get cozy huey sigh and close the lights and closed the door he went downstairs with dewey

"so what happen last night with louie?"dewey ask huey he sigh sitting down on the couch dewey sat next to him

"I don't know Dew he had a nightmare and he told me that I said I don't need you anymore and he said something else too that he had you like your the one can take care of yourself and dewey and I let go oh his hand and I fall and d die so yeah that's what happen in his dream."he explain to dewey what happen he silent for a minute

"oh that's awful and why he thinks that now?"he ask huey shrug in fear

"I don't know but I hope is not going to be true but I just wish if he's going to be ok with out me."he said dewey sigh put his hand on his shoulder

"hue don't say that he loves you know and I know he's scared of that dream he had and i hopes is that you been look out for him huey sigh

"i-i know and i well protected him no matter what causes."he said

"ok love you huey."he said while he got up and kisses him in the check huey look at him leaving

"love you too dew."he replied huey sigh got up and going to check on louie if he's still asleep or awake he saw louie up

"hey lou hows your sleep?"he ask while he sat on the bed with him he rap around on louie

"it's good well I still tired but I'm ok."he said smile at huey he chuckle softly

"That's good and you feel better now?"he ask

"Yeah but I still scared of the nightmare I had though."he respond huey

"it's ok louie you i here if you need me ok."he try to confront him louie sigh and nodded yes

"ok love you huey."he said hug him

"I love you too louie."he said he hug him back then release

"you wanna eat breakfast or your good?"he ask him wanted a breakfast or not louie shrug

"maybe I little hungry."he said huey look at him worry

"You ok huey?"he ask

"yeah I'm ok it's just I'm worry about you that nightmare I said."he said louie sigh looking at him

"I know huey and I scared a little but now you here though."he chuckle a little huey smile a him

"Yeah that's true ok you coming down?"he ask louie nodded and got down off his bed followed huey

Nightmares or reality Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora