Chapter Five

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it's morning in ducks burg in McDuck Manor but in Louie's room he keep rocking back and forth not much sleep last night until he saw huey he step inside

"Hey louie you ok?"he asked louie look at him scared on his face still from last night he shivers hardly huey sigh sat down next o him and held him louie cuddle huey sigh don't know why he had nightmares already even he don't watch any scary movies he don't like to watch

"louie if you had nightmares did you watch any scary movies or videos?"he asked louie nodded no to think he didn't huey sigh until dewey came in he saw louie shivering

"hey huey,what's up with louie?"he laser huey sigh and shrug don't know what just happen to him even he still scared about his nightmares huey sigh once again

"idk dewey,what happen to him."he said louie just won't speak dewey sigh he think he still had those nightmares he had

"he had it again did he?"he asks huey nodded for his response

"well I'm going downstairs."huey said leave louie in the bed shaking hugging himself

"you coming louie?"dewey asked louie look at him he nodded no

"ok then well I see you late then."he said awkwardly and left the room louie nodded then saw him leaving but he gulp softly he look around to see if nothing happen he sighs

while huey went to the leaving room thinking of that awful nightmare he had last night is been two days in the row he had  but he wiped his eye a little and shaky sighs until dewey saw him he sigh and went up to him sat down next to him too

"huey,you ok?"he asked

"y-yeah i-I'm fine why?"he asked but dewey don't know why he like this he sigh held him

"huey what's wrong?"he asked huey started to cry dewey sigh and held him he sigh don't know what just happen

"huey why you crying?"he asked huey sniff and wipes his eyes a little

"s-sorry is just that nightmare louie had is creeping him out and so is me every time he had a nightmare like this I get more worried and might come true."he explains while he wipes his eyes dewey sigh

"but why you crying though?"he asked huey sighs

"is just louie had another nightmare last night and he talking about stabbing."he said while he wiped his eyes dewey look at him worried on his face don't know what he meant

"stabbing like killing?"he asked huey sniff and nodded dewey sigh

"h-he k-killed me."he said dewey look at him

"he killed you in his nightmare?"he asked huey shaky sighs and nodded

"he like stabbed me like millions of times until I die."he said dewey got creeped out and worried on his face

"I-I j-just d-don't k-know w-why he h-have t-those n-nightmares."huey cries and hide his face and cuddle with dewey sigh held huey until louie came down saw huey crying on dewey

"h-huey?"louie asked while he came up to him dewey look at louie worried he sigh

"why he's c-crying?"he asked stuttering dewey sigh

"don't worry louie he's fine, is just he's worried about that nightmares you had even makes him worried if you keep having those."dewey explains louie sigh and sat down next to dewey

"oh,huey you going to be ok?"he asked in worried tone huey sniff and nodded

"y-yeah l-louie everything i-is fine."he said while he wiping his eyes and sigh dewey sigh worried about Louie's nightmares as well even though he never had a nightmare until yesterday and last night

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2019 ⏰

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