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THE house was completely silent. Only the sound of the air conditioner blowing could be heard. Yerin pulled her covers to her chin, she was afraid of being alone at home.

Maybe I should've gone to the party.

Yerin's stomach started to grumble as she rolled off the bed and landed with a thud. She crawled to the kitchen because she was lazy to walk and pulled open the door of the fridge. Revealing absolutely nothing except for expired milk and a few slices of cheese.

This is definitely not enough to satisfy my stomach. Wow we should really go grocery shopping soon.

Yerin then thought back to Soojin's words,

"there will be a buffet"

Yerin groaned and sighed.

My stomach better thank me for this.

She quickly got onto her feet and went to her room to change out of her pajamas dress. She slipped on a pair of tights and a shirt before leaving the house with a pair of chopsticks shoved into her pocket.

How do I get there- oh wait there's only one mansion in this whole neighbourhood

Yerin locked the door and quickly made her way to the mansion which seemed to be the only house alive considering that everyone was invited to the party and would most probably have went already since it started a couple minutes ago.

Dang it, I need the invitation to get in but Soojin already took it. Guess I gotta sneak in.

Yerin managed to get to the backyard safely as she peered over the fence. There were people drinking, playing table tennis, and the star of the party seemed to be distracted by a bunch of girls.

Yerin climbed over the fence and landed with a thud, but still managed to go unnoticed thanks to the loud music.

The backdoor was left wide open as she carefully took off her shoes and carried it with her. She looked around cautiously before entering the mansion, to be greeted by very bright lights and well-polished marbled floors.

I'm glad I took off my muddy shoes

Yerin looked at the pretty dresses everyone was wearing, then looked at her own outfit.

I stand out a lot

She noticed many butlers and maids entering and exiting a room with trays in their hand and realised that that was her destination ; the kitchen.


♔ CINDERELLA'S CHOPSTICKS. Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant