In The Sand

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PLOT- Max and Griffin are spending time alone in the beach, they both learn something new about each other and love is just a heart beat away.


Me and Griff are laying down in the sand on the coastline of a beach near our troops camp grounds, we are far from them though so we have privacy to ourselves, it's just nice to not be over whelmed.

In just four more weeks we will be on our way back home, a part of me doesn't want to leave this behind, the time I get to spend with Griffin, I look up at a bird flying across the cotton candy colored sky, it's beautiful, I wonder what it's like to see this view everyday? I'm sure people take things like this for granted, I do the same sometimes. It's hard to tell you're doing it till it's already done.

We have only been at this location for two days, it's one of the better places we have stayed so far.

Me and Griffin just started talking about what we have to go home to, he told me about the place he grew up in and I told him about my friend Jessica.

Even though we are talking about going home, I feel like I'm somewhere different in moments like these, sometimes going back doesn't seem possible, it's just a jump away yet I don't feel like I want to take the leap of faith back.

In this moment it's like nothing can go wrong and I'm so relaxed here, leaving Griff shouldn't be a choice, I look over at Griff, a huge smile is going across his face as he looks at the sky, his hands play slightly in the sand, I've gotten so used to being around him and I enjoy his company.

I've been noticing how happy he's been lately, I guess he's been enjoying these moments too, it's good to know I'm not the only one. Or most likely he is just happy to get to go home soon.

I smile and gently touch his hand to get his attention, he was focused on the sand, I've caught him getting homesick a few times, I always try to make him feel better.

He looks up at me and I chuckle and move my hand away "so, got a special lady?" I ask and he looks at me, the look on his face makes it seem like I asked a stupid question "special lady? Like a girlfriend?" He asks laughing.

I nod and chuckle "don't act like I wouldn't ask that question" I say and he nods, I haven't asked anything like that yet, honestly I haven't wanted to know, for all I know he has a loved and I'm being stupid with my emotions.

I watch as Griffin laughs and runs his fingers through the sand "okay okay, fine, to answer the question: no I dont, I just haven't connected with anyone like that.. well I have but not with anyone who I'd actually end up with" he says and I sit up "you've connected with someone? Who?" I ask curious, I don't know what type girl Griff would be into, he never talks about stuff like that.

That's like one of the only secrets that I know of that He keeps from me, we tell each other everything, if the other one asks first of course, a part of me wants to know everything but I also know that it's better that I don't.

Suddenly he sighs and dusts his hands off getting most of the sand off.

He sits up and brings his knees up and tossed his arms around them, he looks hesitant to tell me, that kind of worries me "you can tell me anything Griff, I won't judge ya" I say smiling, he smiles back but I can tell he's still hesitant to tell me, I wonder what's wrong...

I think of something to make it easier "well.. Hm.. How about you just say the traits you like and leave her name out, would that be easier?" I ask and he thinks about it then nods "okay, I can do that Max" he says and I nod and lay back on my back, I keep my eyes on him though, it's a better sight to see anyway.

Griffin x Max (Banana Fish Gay Oneshots Includes Smut)Where stories live. Discover now