Chapter 2

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In the morning, I woke up to the sound of birds outside the window and felt Scott's arm still wrapped around me from last night

Tonight, everyone would be going to fight. Everyone except for me, that is. I knew I could fight just as well as everyone else, maybe even better than some and wanted to prove it. Wanted to prove that people couldn't  tell who I was and what I was capable of just by some stereotype.

I got out of bed and got ready before going downstairs and making myself a cup of hot chocolate, since I hated coffee.

I nonchalantly stirred my spoon around inside my mug, not really paying attention and thinking about what I should do tonight.  I could wait until everyone left, then take my truck and follow them.

I was so caught up in my thoughts, that I didn't even notice that Scott had come in until he sat down beside me, startling me.

"It's ok. Just me."

I relaxed and continued stirring my spoon around my mug, before Scott interrupted my thoughts.

"I know you're thinking about it."

"About what?" I asked, acting like I didn't know what he was talking about.

"About tonight. You're not going."

I sighed. "I know."

"Good. Now drink your chocolate before it gets cold."

I lifted the cup and took a sip of the now cooler liquid.

He leaned over and kissed my cheek. "You know I just want to keep you safe, right?"

"Yes, Scott, I know," I replied, making sure to sound slightly annoyed.

He chuckled. "I'm going to go get ready for tonight."


He left the house and by the time he came back, the moon was rising in the sky, partly covered by the clouds, casting a shadowy look over everything.

He came over and kissed me softly before looking into my eyes. "Don't follow us out tonight," he said, more seriously than before.

"I already said I wouldn't."

His expression lightened. "OK, I'll see you when we come back." He went out the house and about ten minutes passed before I heard the sound of his truck rolling out of the driveway and down the road.

I waited a few minutes to make sure they weren't coming back before heading upstairs to my room and grabbing a sweater from the closet, putting on some runners and going out the door to my truck.

I turned on the radio and started driving down the road, slowly at first so I wouldn't catch up to them, and then slowly quickening my speed.

In about a hour, I drove to a area with a small shed like house and saw Scott's truck parked outside it.

I parked my car farther away from his, wanting to make sure it was hidden. I quietly crept into the shed and hid inside a room and tried to keep quiet because right now I didn't know what would be worse, getting caught by the other werewolves or getting caught by Scott.

I peered around the door to see what was going on, just in time to see a werewolf, who I immediately recognized as Scott, being thrown across the room and landing on the floor on the other side.

Another werewolf ran across the room after him and, without thinking, I ran out of the room into plain view. "Scott!" I shouted, then immediately shut my mouth, realizing what I had just done.

"The other werewolf turned around to face me and I quickly shifted into my werewolf form and ran over to him, knocking him onto the ground and landing on top of him. He scratched my face and I felt a sharp pain spreading across my face, taking my attention away enough for him to push me off him and to now be over me.

I felt fear twist in my stomach, but pushed it aside. I gathered all the strength I had and pushed the werewolf and he flew off me to the other side of the room and I ran over to him. He was laying down on his side, clearly wounded, so he must have been a new werewolf, just like me, only weaker.

I killed him quickly, which wasn't that hard to do, then shifted back to my human form and ran over to Scott. He was now in his human form and  was covered in scratches and bruises and looked like he was in immense pain.

"Dereka, I told you not to come here."

"You're wounded enough already and if I hadn't come, you would be worse off by now.

"I'm fine. Seriously."

"I can see that," I said, sarcastically.

"What about you?" He asked, reaching up and tracing his finger lightly across the scratch on my forehead, causing me to wince.

"That's nothing."

"Clearly. That's why you're wincing when I touch it."

I heard someone running towards us and turned to around to see Stiles, Jackson and Liam running towards us.

"Dereka, I thought you weren't coming here!" Isaac said when they reached us.

"Well, I did. Will he be okay?" I asked, gesturing to Scott."

"He'll be fine."

"Are the other werewolves dead?"

"Yeah, they are."

I stood up and reached down to help Scott up and wrapped my arm around him to help him walk.

When everyone else came, I saw that they had a few scratches, but  for the most part were better off than Scott was. We went back into Scott's truck and Jackson drove this time, leaving Scott sitting with me in the backseat.

"I told you not to follow us."

"I didn't get hurt too badly and I killed that werewolf that attacked you."

"I know, but..."

"Without me, you might be dead right now."

He thought a moment. "Fine, you can go out with us next time, but I still want you to be careful." He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my forehead.

We drove back to the house and I felt satisfied with the fact that I had showed everyone that I could take care of myself and fight my own battles, even if I was a new werewolf and was a girl.

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