Chapter 2: Wolves

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      Arvin stood at the front of town looking out at the long snowy road. Looking at his hand drawn map he gripped it tighter as a light snow blew in. Distracted, he failed to notice as Silva approached him. She waited for a few moments and he still didn't noticed her. She rubbed a few of her fingers together, she extended one of them and tapped him with it. He jolted from the spark "What was that for?" He asked, rubbing his arm.

     She smiled "If we are going to be traveling together you need to learn to be more observant." She said.

     "Noted." He said.

     "Now, where exactly are we heading?" She asked.

     He held up the map, pointing at a few locations he said "Well I believe the tomb is located down in the Rift so my plane is to head to Windhelm stock up if we need to and then down through Eastmarch. After that we just need to head to a set of mountains and it should be around there. The journey is mostly roads so it should be safe." He said.

      Silva chuckled "You have much to learn, roads don't mean your safe." She said patting him on the back. "I can get us to Windhelm no problem but after that we may need a guide." She said. 

     Arven shrugged "That should be fine." He said.

     "Good, then let's head out, it a two days journey there so let's not waste daylight." She said walking down the road, Arvin followed behind. 

      They walked in silence for awhile, passing a few snow covered plants gently waving in the wind. The snow covered mountain paths eventually gave way to equally snow covered forest. Silva kept her eyes trained forward and occasionally made perimeter checks, Eventually she noticed that Arvin kept nervously looking around and started to repeatedly glanced behind them towards winterhold which was a ways off. After a few more minutes of this Silva asked "What's wrong."

      Arvin rubbed the back of his head. "Just nervous, I've never really left town, never even been in real combat before." He said.

      Silva eyed him "Really? Did that useless college of mages even teach you anything?" She asked.

     Arvin glared at Silva "They're good people at the college." He turned his head and looked down. "They taught me plenty but I lack any ability to do anything other than restoration." He said shamefully. 

      "I'm sure they are good people at the college, but they shouldn't lock themselves away from the non magic users." She said examining the palm of her hand as it started to glow blue. "Locking magic away gives people a reason to be fearful, it doesn't allow them to see the good magic can do, the potential it has in the right hands." She said grinning.

     "It also has potential in wrong hands." Arvin said. "If you don't like the College so much then why were in the town where it was?" He asked.

      "I may not like them, but they do have some of the best teachers in all of skyrim and I needed a few spells. Also it's the closest town to the Shrine of Azu-" She was interrupted by the sound of a person bursting through the nearby snow covered shrubbery. The two watched as an out of breath Wood Elf sprinted towards them holding two steel daggers. 

      "Wolves!" The Elf cried out with fear in his eyes.

      Silva's hands crackled with blue arcane energy as she readied herself. Arvin pulled pulled his mace from his side, his off hand started to glow with white light. The Elf ran and cowered behind the two. They watch as a large White Wolf burst from the shrubbery followed by two smaller grey wolves. Silva pulled one of her hands back and then quickly pushed it forward realising a bolt of blue electric energy. It hit one of the smaller wolves slowing it down, she did the same with her other hand and the second bolt smashed into its shoulder, bringing it down. Arvin extended his off hand as he did, mostly opec barrier appeared in front of him. The White Wolf leaped at Arvin clashing against the barrier. Arvin got nugged back but ket holding up. The other grey wolf had gone around the barrier, leaping it clamped onto Arvins arm. He cried out in pain as he dropped the barrier and swung at the grey wolf with his mace. The White Wolf moved into attack but was pushed back as a bolt of blue energy that slammed into its head. Arvin bashed hs mace into the wolfs face but it's bite held up. The Wood Elf  saw this, spinning one of his daggers in his hand he plunged it into the Grey Wolf's neck. It's jaw went limp as the body tumbled to the ground. Silva released another bolt of energy into the White Wolf. It shook its head then growled, rearing back it leaped at her. Silva grit her teeth, pulling back both of her arms she threw both of them forward at the same time. The wolf's body exploded with electrical energy that sent it back a few meters. It slid to rest in the snow. Silva fell to her knees exhausted.

      "That should be all of them." The Wood Elf said, he pushed his long blonde hair back, holing out his hand towards Arvin he said "Eldar Spirekeep at your service." The large smile on his face immediately faded as he saw Arvins wound. "Do you need any help with that?" He asked.

       Arvin waved him off "I'll be fine." He said, his off hand started glowing a light gold color as he closed. The golden light swirled around his arm as his wounds begin to heal. Arvin let out a sigh of relief. 

      "So you're not the only one here that can use magic." Eldar said as he pulled out his dagger from the Grey Wolf's body. Walking over to the now dead White Wolf he examined it. The stomach of the wolf had been exposed by the large cavity that had been created by the explosion. He eyed something shiny in the contents leaking from it, quickly he snached it and slid it into a back pocket. "You're quite skilled." He said to Silva.

       "Thanks" She grumbled as she stood up. 

      "Well don't be so bleek, now I must know your names so I can thank you properly." Eldar said.

      Arven stood up and walked over to them "My names Arven and she's Silva." He said.

      "It's a pleasure to meet both you." Eldar said forcefully shaking both of there hands. "Now how ever will the talented Eldar Spierkeep repay you?"

      "Well what are your talents?" Arven asked

     "The great Eldar Spierkeep has many including salesman, acquirer of goods, "persuader"  and many more." He said before bowing. 

     Silva rolled her eyes and folded her arms. Arvin smiled and said "What about acting as guide?"

     "Of course! I am a Wood Elf after all." Eldar said. "But that does depend on where you need guiding to." 

      "Well were heading down to the Rift." Arven said

     Eldars face lit up "So am I!" He said "Where in the Rift are you going?"

     "Hey, why don't we talk while we walk? We don't want to waste anymore time right?" Asked Silva.

     Arven nodded "She's right, I'll explain on the way." He said

     "Wonderfull!" Eldar said as they all started heading down the road. 

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