Chapter 5: The Entrance

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      Nikena sat crouched, unmoving and watching as two figures stood guard at a set of stairs built into a mountain. In the snowy tree line she watched their absent-minded action and listened to the small talk they made.
      "Alen, do ya really dhink dat dere's, um, gold up in dis cave?" Asked the guard in heavy pate armor, who was currently fiddling with a heavy two handed great axe. He was a Nord and a brute of a man, his rippling muscles and think skin were his main protection against the cold winds of the mountain.
      Alen, a more slender, smaller man wielding a swords and shield, sighed when he heard the dumb brutes question. "Yes, Ridge, I trust Devon and his knowledge about this tomb." He said rolling his eyes.
       His answer quieted the brute for only a short while "Okay den, why are I and you guarding des stairs if da group is da only one dat knows about dis." Asked the brute, asking the question seemed to take more energy then picking up his axe.
        Alen gave out a long and loud groan. Facing the brute he said "Just because we are the only ones that know about this tomb doesn't mean we are the only ones who will ever find out about it. We never know which curious adventurer will wonder up, that is why you and me are here."
      By the time he finished Nikena had left, quietly and quickly she made her way through the forest. Each step landed softly on the snow and with in minutes she made it back to the others.
      "They're are two guards at the stairs. No patrol that we could find." She said to the group.
      "I didn't find any patrols either." Eldar said
      "They're either really confident or really stupid." Arven said
      "Probably both." Silva said.
      Arven chuckled "Okay, now how do we handle the guards?"
      "One is bigger and carries a large axe, the other sword and shield, I can kill the one with the axe." Nikena said.
     "I can kill the one with sword and shield." Said Silva.
     Arven shook his head, "You're magic can be quite loud I believe we should take these guards out stealthy." Turning to Eldar he asked "Could you silently take the other out?"
     He thought for a quick moment, taking out his daggers he said "Yes, I should be able too."
      Silva glared but kept silent.
      "Good, Silva and I, will stay a ways back while you and Nikena take out the two. After that you two flank around the camp while me and Silva charge in. Sounds good?" He asked as a cold wind started to grow.
     They all nodded, Eldar and Nikena moved off while the other two stayed a few paces back.
     "I could've taken at least one of them out." Silva said.
     "I have no doubt you could but it's best to stay quite and not waste your mana." Arven said.

     Nikena quickly and silently flanked the two with Eldar on the other side. Notching an arrow she took aim.
      Eldar sprinted out from where he was hiding. Sliding in front of the guard with the sword, he took one of his daggers and jammed it into the side of his knee. The guard tried to cry out in pain but was silenced by the Elf's other dagger jamming up through the bottom of his chin.
     Two arrows hit the bigger guard in his chests, each one piecing a different lung. The guard opened his mouth, nothing but blood cane out. Quickly Nikena coated the arrow in a black ooze like substance. She released it and it sank into the guards shoulder. With each pump of his heart, his veins became more black. As the poison spread more he clutched his chest and fell to his knees. Nikena walked over to the larger guard, using her foot she pushed in over and he crumpled into a lifeless pile.

     Eldar looked over at her "That's a bit brutal, don't you think?" He asked.
      "His spirit has passed on, he is in a better place now." She said collecting her arrows. Quickly she cleaned them off and the two moved out to flank.

     "Those two are quite and efficient." Said Arven as he walked past the two dead guards.
      "They do make quite a good team," Said Silva steaming over the large one with an axe. She took a moment to mutter "May you find Sovngarde, brother."
     "What did you say?"
     "Nothing, just looking at what the poison did." She said quickly moving over next to Arven. "Makes you wonder what else she can do."
     Arven eyed her for a moment but his throughly were interrupted Silva saying "Let's get to the camp, the others should already be in position." And with that she moved up the path.

      "We'll be in the ground before you two get this door open," Said a shorter then average Elf while repositioning the long bow and quiver on his. 
      An identical elf standing next the other said "If any of you ice brains had bothered to lean how to read, we might have been able to get through this." This elf had only a long sword. They were standing behind two men dressed in fur armor, both of the men were try to pry open a large circular door. One of the men stopped pulling on the door and glared at the elf. 
      "Keep up the talk, and I'll rip off all four of your pointy ears, milk drinkers."
      The elf with the sword said "I'm surprised, four is a high number for you." Him and the other Elf both chuckled.
      The man growled and stared forward.
     A big green man walked out of the largest of three leather tents. "Shut up or I'll feed you to the frost trolls!" He yelled resting his hand on his axe. The green man, who was an orc, was dressed in full steel armor. "Now Redge get back to pulling on that door!" He barked.
      Redge stepped back "Yes, sir." He said going back to the door. 
      "And twins, stop trying to start a fight, or your end up like the other." He said turning around.
Both of the Elf's rolled there eyes but said "Yes, Sir." In unison as they turned and headed off to the edge of the small campsite.
"Three, two..." Said Arven "One!" And with that he extended his off hand, creating a barrier in front of him and Silva as they charged in.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2022 ⏰

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