Chpapter 1❄️

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Dear whoever is reading this,

Hello, My name is Alexandra but I go by Alex for short I am 17 years young and I've been in 4 foster homes. I first started attending foster homes when I was 7. The reason I have this journal...thing is because in group therapy we each take a journal and have to write our thoughts and feelings

Right now I'm staying in a group home until they find me a foster home.

Ok so the reason I ended up in foster homes was because of my mum and dad. My mother left me one day when I turned 7, but before that there was a whole different story. I wish I could remember more about my child hood, but sadly I can't. I wish I could remember more of my child hood because then I could remember if I had any other family members I could contact. I'd do anything to get out of this living hell.

I was never able to learn how to ride a bike, or experience my first tooth to fall out. I guess you could say I was deprived of my child hood. Sometimes I remember certain things of my child hood, but they only come on quick flashbacks or my dreams. I have really only been able to remember one thing from my child hood the clearest.

*Flash Back*

"Alex get in the car" my mum said with a worried expression."Mum why are you taking me away" I asked sadly. "Sweetie Mum and Dada need to take a break" she replied.

"We'll that's dumb" I added, crossing my arms. "Sharon you will not take Alex from us!" My father yelled trying to stop the car. "She needs a family!" He added desperately

"Alexandra I said get in the car!"


I sometimes get random flash backs from time to time, but I usually get them in the worst time. Like when I have to speak in front of the class and I end up having a flash back or a random memory I start to break into a panic attack. I can't breath. I start sweating. I forget where I am. The whole room spins. There are several reasons I break down. One of them is because I have always tried to shut off any feelings I have when it comes to my family

I've always tried to understand what I did wrong. I thought I was a good girl.

But life obviously didn't think so because here I am now 10 years later. I definitely did not think I would be at a group home at 17,. I definitely did not think I would be laying down while thinking about everything that has happened in my life in a garden that happens to belong to some dumb group home I got stuck in.

If you have asked me when I was 7 before any of this ever happened I would've said "I will grow up to be a princess and live with a charming prince",but sadly my life didn't turn out to be a fairy tail. "Hey Alex get your lazy ass up. Miss Jamey wants to talk to everyone in the house" I crane my neck up to see who interrupted one of my very few peaceful moments. When I look up my eyes meet with piercing green eyes and flaming red hair. "Ok I'll be there in a second Maddi" I tell my roommate.

"We'll hurry up it's starting in 5 minutes" she adds before leaving. I got up against my own will knowing that if I didn't get up I would get in trouble....again. Eh screw it, it's nice today. I laid back down and admired the clouds for a little while longer.

I'm tired and just want to relax.

Once I decided I've watched the clouds long enough, I got up and walked into the living room.

"You are 10 minutes late Alex" Miss. Jamey stated in a matter of faculty. I just nodded and ignored her. "You have no respect what's so ever" she commented. I swear This woman's mad. "I'm glad you noticed" I said with a smirk as I planted my self against the wall. " oh Alex. I truly believe you will change someday" "I wouldn't hold my breath" I said with annoyance laced within my words. "Anyways as you know one direction will be coming Saturday because they are doing a Show your support charity for different orphanages and group homes like us. Niall horan from this boy band was in a foster home as we'll" She stated with a smile while all the other girls squealed and swooned

I quickly rose my hand but I didn't really wait for her to ask me what I needed. We have been through so much crap-there's no way they would understand. I'm not going to spend my Saturday swooning over some millionares that believe there 'making a difference'

G"Do we have to come?" I asked. "You know Alexandra-" "Alex" I corrected her. "They took the time out of their busy schedules to come over here. You could be polite for once-" "ok ok ok" I stop a huge argument from happening. I swear sometimes I'm the adult here. . I go up stairs and climb into bed. As I stare at my ceiling I mentally prepare myself for tomorrow. I have to go to school for all 6 hours because the school caught me ditching Friday. Plus right after that I have some dumb group therapy to go to.


Hey guys omg thank you so much if you're reading this!! We love you all and don't worry we don't think your losers!

Love you all!!!!😘😘

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2014 ⏰

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