Why Breastfeed? (Introduction)

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If anyone tells you that breastfeeding is easy peasy, they are not entirely right. But if someone tells you that it is too difficult, they are also not entirely wrong either . To know how breastfeeding works, you have to go through it and experience the different stages (YES!) before finally see the truth. However, breastfeeding journey differs from person to person. For some moms milk runs like the water tap. And then there are also moms who need so much hard work to reap the fruit of their labour.

Don't forget moms who give up and offer formula milk for reasons like they are not producing enough, no support system at home or work, feel turned off with the idea of using her body to feed. Whatever it is, there's absolutely no need to mom shame anyone. Fed is best, after all. But since I am writing to share about how we can breastfeed successfully, breastfeeding (and/or pumping) is all I am going to talk about.

The famous recommendation from none other than World Health Organization (WHO) is that in order for the infant to have optimal growth and development, mothers are to exclusively breastfeed their babies for the first six months. And from then on, babies should be given nutritious food alongside breastmilk till the age of two or beyond.

Of course, the mother is the one to make the ultimate decision on what she wants to feed her baby with. There is no wrong or right whether to give formula or to breastfeed. It is all the parents' personal choices, however, let me share a little insight on why breastfeeding is highly recommended.

According to a systematic review's findings (Kramer & Kakuma 2009), exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months have several advantages for babies and mothers such as:
• lower risk of gastrointestinal infections
• more rapid maternal weight loss
• delayed return of menstrual periods

Kellymom.com (my favourite breastfeeding website) listed many breastfeeding benefits that babies and moms can gain; information gathered from health organizations, UNICEF, WHO, pediatricians, gynecologists as well as professional lactation consultants. And amongst the benefits in this list are:
• less illness
• less Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
• reduced risk of eczema
• less obesity
• lowered risk of diabetes
• better bones density for moms
• positive cognitive development and intelligence

No wonder "breast is best" according to Dr William and Martha Sears, who are a professor of pediatrics and, a registered nurse and lactation consultant, respectively. Why Breast is Best. (n.d). Retrieved from https://www.askdrsears.com/topics/feeding-eating/breastfeeding/why-breast-is-best.

If you decide to formula feed, go ahead because you know what is best for your baby. And if you choose to breastfeed, good for you and baby. In this book, I will be sharing tips and tricks to breastfeed successfully, confidently and easily. Notice that I wrote "easily" the last, because it will only get easier later, not so when you first start it. But fret not, you will get the hang of it.

I am no way a professional lactation consultant (LC) and what I write in this book is all based on my personal experiences as well as the people that have helped me. Should there be any medical issues, please consult a doctor or an LC, the latter being the best person.

Congratulations on taking this step towards breastfeeding. I wish you all the best.

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