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Jungkook is still not believing Jimin and he was starting to get frustated.

He hates it when someone doesn't trust him.

"Okay. Tell me what you really want all your life, tell me your wish and I'll give it to you, I'm serious." Jimin glared.

'But what if this is just a prank? Well, it's not bad if I try, right?" Jungkook thought.

"Okay, I'll try. Give me a very big mansion and place it where no one can see it."

"Finally, well master, your wish is my command."

Suddenly, the place they were at, dissapeared and soon teleport to the forest he said.

Jungkook was amazed and been more amazed when a mansion appeared in the middle of the forest.

It was a very mansion, like a presidential palace and have a big garden with a lot of different flowers.

"So, now do you believe me?" Jimin crossed his arm and pout.

"Holy shit! You're amazing! I trust you!"

[6] MY GENIE - JIKOOK [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now