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When Kaylee woke up the next morning, she felt more exhausted than she did when she fell asleep. Any time she slept in a new bed or new environment, she never got good sleep the first night. Kaylee wasn't sure if anyone else was like this but it happened every time.

She let out a big sigh as she rolled onto her back, staring at the ceiling for a moment. Kaylee grabbed her phone beside her head and checked the time. She mentally thanked herself for dimming the brightness on her phone before she went to sleep. She did not want to be blinded first thing in the morning. Once Kaylee's thoughts recollected to the task at hand, she noticed it was a little past nine am. It took her a moment to convince herself to even lift the covers off of her. Kaylee wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep but she knew if she slept longer then she'd never hear the end of it from her mom.

Kaylee laid there on her bed, debating with herself on whether a few hours of sleep is worth hearing her mother gripe all day. She groaned a little as she decided to get up. She grabbed her favorite scrunchie before tying her hair back. Kaylee rubbed her face and walked towards the living room where she assumed her parents were. On cue, she saw her mom relaxing on the sofa "watching" Criminal Minds while looking at a healthy recipe for dinner. Her mother had started doing some diet a while back and now she is a major health nut. Her mom won't even touch a potato which makes no sense to Kaylee but she respects it while eating her McDonald's fries in peace.

"Hey, mom." She greeted, sitting on the opposite side of the couch. Her mom didn't answer so she called out again. Kaylee rolled her eyes and grabbed the remote. Immediately her mother snatched it back.

"Hey, I'm watching this. There's breakfast in the kitchen if you're hungry. I made bacon and eggs."

"By any chance, did you make biscuits as well?"

"You know the answer to that question already don't ya, hun?"

Kaylee sighed in defeat. "Yeah, I do, unfortunately. I think I'm going to go get some breakfast, maybe walk around the town a little bit." She told her mother before standing up. Kaylee walked back to her bedroom and sat on the bed. She looked up the best places to eat breakfast only coming up with a few options. It seemed like McDonald's or someplace called Ward's was the best option to eat but she was not sure where to eat. She decided to go to Ward's because they had many options for breakfast and she wanted to try it.

When Kaylee figured out where she wanted to go, she immediately remembered that she told herself she'd call Julian. Kaylee tapped the FaceTime icon and then Julian's name. She set her phone down and stood up. As the phone rang, she picked out some clothes to wear today. She was going to get changed before she heard Julian's voice

"Kaylee, babes, you know I've always wanted to see your new ceiling but when I found out you were FaceTiming me I was kind of looking forward to seeing your face."

Kaylee picked up her phone and rolled her eyes with a small laugh. "I was looking for something to wear, asshole. I'm going to get something to eat because I don't want bacon and eggs for the fourth time this week honestly," she told him and sat on her bed once more. "Well, where are you going? I hate to break it to you but you're going to get lost. You are terrible with directions." He said and laughed. Kaylee flipped him off. "Oh shush. I do just fine with directions." She retorted and stuck out her tongue at him. "I miss you already. When are you going to come to visit me down here in yee-yee country?" Kaylee asked him, giving her puppy dog eyes. Though  Kaylee has only been here for a day, she knew this was nothing like "yee yee" places she's heard about in California. Her parents, at least, picked a home in the city; not in the middle of nowhere.

"I love you with all my heart, Kay. I really do but I do not have the money or will to go to yee yee village."

"Oh come on. You know you want to come visit yee yee town. You can find a hot cowboy. You know like that song. Save a horse ride a cowboy." Kaylee said and laughed. "For real though, Milton isn't very country. It actually looks kind of vintage and nice. Though their accents are thicker than a bowl of oatmeal."

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