Ouija Boards: Rules for Usage

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This is a rarely known fact when it comes to using Ouija board, but there are way more rules than you'd think. I decided to include the rules and usages of one since people often make mistakes they're unaware of when trying to contact they're ancestors' spirits. Please note if you decide to use a Ouija board to contact the spirit of your ancestor, there are safer ways to go about it (rituals, offerings and meditation, etc.), but if you wish to try out the board for experience, read the following carefully and thoroughly to ensure your safety.

1) Never play alone. When you are alone, evil spirits can and may try to possess you.

2) Never play if you're scared. If you begin to become scared while playing, stop playing.

3) Never force anyone to play against his/her will.

4)Never play if you're religious (Christian, Islamic, etc.).

5)Never insult a spirit Being rude or disrespectful can attract evil spirits.

6)Never play if you're sick, drunk, diagnosed with a mental illness (depression, anxiety, etc.), or have a mental disability. Playing in a weakened state can put you at risk of being possessed seeing as you are vulnerable.

7)Never trust a spirit. Not being rude doesn't necessarily mean you have to be trusting.  Spirits may use false flattery and lies to gain your trust and trick you.

8) Never ask any questions about any religious idol (God, Allah, etc.)

9) Never ask when you're going to die.

10) If you encounter a spirit named Zozo, stop playing immediately.

11) Never let the planchette (the triangular or heart-shaped piece) fall or fly off the board.  It may allow an evil spirit to escape.

12) Never leave the planchette on the board when you're not using it.

13) Always say "goodbye" when you're done and don't leave until the spirit moves the planchette to "GOODBYE." This ensures that the spirit has been released of contact and the chances of the spirit escaping are extremely low.

14) Never burn a board whole. The proper way to dispose of a Ouija board is to break the board into seven pieces, pour holy water on them, and bury them. Be sure to keep the board pieces and the planchette separated.

15) Never allow the planchette to move back or forth through every letter of the alphabet or number. This is known to be a trick Zozo uses to escape.

16) Never play in a Cemetery or any place where an unnatural death or murder has occurred. This could cause terrible manifestations.

17) Never become addicted. Evil spirits would use your addiction against you to possess you.

        If you decide to use a Ouija board, be careful and safe. Remember these rules and take warning to heart to avoid disaster. Blessed be!

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