Part 1-Acceptance Letter

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Monster Academy is not easy to locate, but for those who are different from the average human its key to keep low in a world where their kind is shunned for being different. The main grounds which the Academy covers can be located within the depths of the darkest forest, with great difficulty of course; with large pine trees towering over even the tallest building at the academy it can't even be seen from the sky's; the only way to get there is by foot; or by the Acceptance letter that comes by mail, which once opens can create a simple portal which will open on command.

This is where Dakota Beltane story begins.

It was late one snowy night in the small town where Dakota and his family lived; it was quiet, no one ever questioned anyone, and no one within the town shunned that of the monsters that lived almost the humans. The Beltane family was a well-known name among the world of monsters; they owned an old trades business which was key for monsters to survive within the human world back in the 1800s; now a day the business isn't that important thanks to the internet of course.

That snowy night meant a lot to Dakota he had been waiting for week for his Acceptances letter to come in the mail to allow him to go to Monster Academy to pursue his dreams in becoming a world star athlete; which was easy said than done when you are born different, And the letter that had turned up that night for Dakota meant so much more than a bit of paper.

The Beltane family are indeed monsters, Dakota can hide his extra body parts which include horns upon his head and a tail that hung from his lower back. Although he was able to hide these he wasn't physically built like a human 21-year-old; in fact, he was built like someone who has lived for over 200 years; which happens to be the case. He towered most people, standing a 6'3 while physically he was rather muscular due to years for training hard while playing football. His eyes were known to shift in color depending on how he was feeling, while his hair was jet black which he tended to leave as a mess upon his head.

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