13| ❝ happy birthday, tara ❞

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Hey, Tara. Belated happy birthday to you, my soul sister! <3

I apologise for not being there on your birthday, but, I'm here now! And, I won't let my hiatus come across as a lame excuse for not being able to wish you.

I don't know you for decades together, or for years together. But, I've known you long enough to know that you are a very strong person. You know I don't mean it physically. You've been through lot of shit in your life, lots of it. But, I know that you strive to be strong. You don't allow lot of things to affect you, and even if they do, you find a way to come out of it. That's what really matters, isn't it? How you choose to solve your problems.

You have a very clear mindset of what's right, and what's not. And, no matter who's at fault, you will tell them. I really admire that about you.

You deserve all the happiness in the world, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You're an amazing human being, and I'm glad I know you. I feel really lucky to call you my friend, and I hope you find joy, love, loads of cake to eat, gifts....well, what else do you need?

I remember our first hi's... Damn, I was honestly so, so, so nervous. XO I thought you might cuss me out or something. Well, what can I say? I'm happy we had that first conversation because that led to so many amazing and wonderful things, most importantly, it led to the start of a crazy, trustworthy friendship. Everything's a little hazzy, but I remember most of it. I remember telling you about my crazy past, I remember ranting on about so many things, and I remember listening to you rant... I remember the little quiz session we had, I scored a 7.5, didn't I? Lol, after being a 100% certain I'd score a 0, 7.5 is not too shabby! I remember being that philosophical pain in the ass one time... Wow. Miraculous, how you didn't run away. xD

Basically, as you get older, 3 things happen. One is, you start forgetting things... The second one is...okay, I don't remember the second and the third ones.

Once again, happy birthday to you, my amazing, smart, gorgeous, valued and most importantly, my soul sister. <3

Here's to making more memories, having more fun, keeping each other sane, valuing eachother, and being there for one another. Have a great one. (:

Sincerely, Yours Truly. Where stories live. Discover now