Sour To The Core

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I got caught. Now I'm in a mental institution. Stuck.

Great. The only way to leave is to "mentally sound" or die here.

The second option is much easier.

I don't even know who came to my house. I don't even know who noticed my dead mom in her room.

I don't even know whether the cops came over. I don't know shit.

All I know is that I am stuck. And I gotta get out. Soon.


"Ms Lemonade Cartier, my name is Dr Laura Lexington. I can help you, but only if you want to be helped."

"The name's Lemon. My mama's the only one who can call me Lemonade. And she's dead so ain't nobody can call me Lemonade."

"Okay. I don't have a lot of time with you, do I'll get to the point. Why are you here?"

"I'm here 'cuz nobody minds their own damn business. Somebody brought me here after I tried to visit my mom."

"I presume your mom was dead for a day before you attempted suicide. What triggered it?"

"I'm pregnant."


"I. Am. Pregnant. With. Somebody's. Baby. Do. You. Understand?"

"Lemon. I can understand English and a few other languages that I won't mention right now because of time but I was surprised."


"That makes sense. Were you with him for a long time?"

"I dunno. I got no-one to take care of us. Mama ain't here so I tried to kill us. I'm sorta protecting it from a crap life like mine was."

"You mean is."

"Naaah. I'm still gonna die. Whether it's here or at home, I don't give a shit."

"Hey. Listen, Lemon. I need you to stay alive. You're too old to be adopted but I can allow you to stay in my home and basically be my daughter. I can support you and your unborn baby. I can let you live for something. I can help you give a proper life to your baby."

"Yeah, thanks but no thanks. You're a bit too late. Ya shoulda come when my mom died."

"It's never too late, Lemmy. Never too late."


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