Rose Colored Lenses

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'I still don't understand why we have to do this,' Sayuri groaned hefting a box on top of another 'Why can't Mom help?' Takuma wrapped his arm around her shoulder 'Your mother is gathering the energy she needs to make the transfer,' Takuma said 'Your grandmother is letting you have a day off until she needs a rest. This is what you get for training underneath her.'

'I'm going to miss the village,' Shinji spoke. 'We don't fit in here any more Shinji,' Yuuichi said. 'It was nice that the Royal family, in the hidden realm allowed us to do this,' Suguru said, '30 years later and we're still the same,' I said standing next to the boxes 'Mom, don't do that.' Setsuna gasped. 

'What are in these boxes anyways?' Sayuri asked. 'Your things,' I said 'Your grandmother is coming with us for a little break and she wants you to take over for her for a while, Kazuma will be here soon.' 'So where am I going?' Setsuna asked. 'Where ever you want,' Takuma said 'You could help in the underworld if you want, while i'm taking a break.' 'Yes!' Setsuna cheered 'Thank you Dad.'

Kazuma appeared, 'Are you ready to go Lady Sayuri?' he asked. 'Ready as I'll ever be,' Sayuri said as her bottom lip wobbled tears threatening to spill from her eye. 'Don't cry Sweetie,' I said hugging her, 'Don't think of this as an ending but a new beginning.' 'Alright,' with a flash of bright light they were gone and a ring of fire appeared on the ground the way into the underworld.

'My best men will be there to help and guide you,' Takuma said 'It's all about finding your calling.' 'See you both later,' Setsuna said as jumped into it and disappeared, 'We should've told them,' I said. Takuma rolled his eyes, 'And have them flip out and say that they want to stay,' Takuma said, 'Tenjin said you would be alright after the transfer you may sleep for a few days afterwards. We'll tell them later.' 

'Hey what secret are you guys keeping?' Mahiro ask stretching out his wings in frustration. 'You'd think you'd use your sensitive hearing to know what's up,' I said as Takuma wrapped his arms around my waist. 'Congratulations to you both,' Suguru smiled. Everyone but Mahiro had figured it out, then Mom joined us Yato with Yukine Hiyori now a neko sporting brown cat ears on the top of her head and a brown tail.

'Who are we congratulating?' Dad asked. Mom was already hugging the life out of us, 'Mom can you please let go,' I asked. 'Sorry,' Mom said 'It's been 30 years since you last had children.' 'I know,' Takuma said 'It's just one child this time, and Yume's not even showing yet.'

'It's nearly time,' I said 'The royal family said they could only open the portal for a short time, everyone ready.' It was done and over with, just before I collapsed on the floor Takuma caught me having some of my regalia run around to get some stuff for me. 'Get some rest.'

I woke up a few days had gone by, I patted my flat stomach feeling the baby still there. Aya stood there helping me into my Yukata, 'Lady Yume, Takuma as said for me to tell you that he has arranged for an extended stay at the Tenjin-ya,' Aya said 'We will be looking after the shrine in your absence.' 'Thank you Aya,' I said. 

Takuma took my hand as we walked through the streets of the ogre domain, 'So where are the others?' I asked. 'They went ahead already,' Takuma said 'I wouldn't be surprised if they denied them access with Mahiro being so loud.' When we reached the Inn, it had changed over the years 'Wow this certainly has changed.' Takuma whistled. 

Mahiro was banging on a wooden beam demanding to be let in, I rolled my eyes at him. Takuma and i entered looking for the front desk seeing a young man with reddish brown hair and eyes and six tan-colored diamonds on his forehead, 'How may I help you today?' 'I had a reservation made for an extended stay over the period of the next 8 months to a year,' Takuma said 'Under the name Onizaki.' 'Ah yes for you and your wife,' he said 'Another was made for two rooms for six males and one room for two female.' 'Yes,' Takuma said 'That's correct.' 

'Your suite has been prepared for the pair of you,' he said 'My name is Akatsuki the front desk manager, your luggage is up stairs 4th floor first door to your right. The other rooms will be ready later on.' 'Thank you,' I smiled 'Sorry if Mahiro gave you any bother. Takuma shall we got and unpack?' 'You explore if you want,' Takuma said 'I'll unpack for us.'

As Takuma left I notice the Sword of Talismans behind the front desk, 'I'm sorry but where did you get that sword?' I asked. 'The men out front had the sword,' Akatsuki said 'Is it yours?' 'Yes I carry it around with me always,' I said 'It's the sword of..' 'I'll have it sent up to your room later,' Akatsuki said 'I never caught your name.' ' It's Yume Onizaki,' I said. 'Just so you are aware we have a human here,' Akatsuki said 'Aoi Tsubaki.' 

Out back of the Inn I found a hut, called the Moonflower. 'Why don't you sample one of the new menu items before you leave,' A female voice said. I walked in 'Sorry I didn't realise anyone was in here I'll just be,' I said. 'Nonsense,' The female said 'Why don't you try some of the new menu items as well, I'm Aoi Tsubaki. Your the extended stay aren't you.' 

'I'm Yume,' I said 'Yume Onizaki, your human aren't you?' 'How did you..' Aoi began. 'I'm from the apparent Realm as well,' I said. 'Are you human as well?' Aoi asked as her eyes lit up in hope. I shook my head, 'Sorry I was once, but I cannot tell you what I am until an old friend knows.' 'I'm Sasuke, I'm a Kamaitachi,' Sasuke said. 'Nice to meet you,' I smiled.

A little while later Aoi returned with the food, 'Thanks for your patients,' Aoi smiled. 'What's this?' Sasuke gasped getting excited at the sight of new food. 'That is a loco moco bowl with potato salad,' Aoi said. 'If you ever need any help around here let me know,' I smiled 'Thank you for the food.' After I ate I left the Moonflower Suguru followed me into town while we looked around.

'You seem to be at home here,' Suguru said. 'Back then, Takuma and I would frequent here a lot when the world was more open to ayakashi or Yokai,' I said 'But you remember what she was like though, this is one world where we don't have to hide and because I wasn't born from a wish I'm not going to disappear.' 

'Have you perhaps came across Ōdanna yet?' Suguru asked. 'Not yet,' I said 'Have you been seated into your rooms?' 'Yes,' Suguru said 'Ryou was able to get a small room to himself. Yuuichi, Shinji and I are sharing while Mahiro your father and Yukine are sharing.' 'Shall we go and check on the others?' I asked. 'Let's leave them be,' Suguru said 'It's been awhile since you've had time to yourself.'

A week went by and Takuma and I had yet to see Ōdanna again I heard Aoi was cooking for the Royal family couple for their anniversary and they asked Takuma and I to join them. After we ate, 'Thank you for letting us partake in the meal with you both,' I said. 'Nonsense,' Ritsuko said 'It's our pleasure.' 'It is great to see the Goddess the Tamayori princess alive,' Nuinoin said 'And the god of the Underworld alive.' 

'How are you feeling Yume?' Takuma asked me. 'I'm good,' I smiled 'I'm just wondering what this pregnancy will bring me.' 'Oh congratulations to you both is this your first?' Ritsuko asked a smile lighting up her face. 'Our third child,' Takuma said 'Yume had our first two children 30 years ago in the apparent realm. To rid the world of the power she needed to be pregnant at the time.' 

'Well we should get going,' Nuinoin said, taking his wife's had as they left. I knocked on Aoi bedroom door, 'Ginji it's just me Yume is Aoi alright?' I asked. When he didn't respond I opened the door Ginji was trying to get Aoi back into the futon. I got her into bed and placed a wet cloth on her forehead. 'Lady Yume, you didn't need to do that.' Ginji said.

'I know but I wanted too,' I said 'I did this for my daughters when they grew up they didn't come into their powers until a few years ago.' 'What exactly are you Lady Yume?' Ginji asked. I just smiled laying a hand Aoi's forehead letting it glow pink, 'She should be fine come tomorrow,' I said 'I'm just going to head to the bathroom to wash my hands. I'll be back to say goodnight.' 

When I came back there sat Ōdanna next to Aoi's sleeping form, 'I guess I should thank you,' Ōdanna said not looking up 'Thank you for looking after Aoi. What is your name?'

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