Stand In The Light

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Ōdanna looked up from his spot frozen unable to say anything, 'Yume?' Takuma asked 'Are you alright, you were gone a while.' Kissing the side of my head his eyes landed on Ōdanna 'We're gone a few centuries and your speechless,' Takuma smirked. 'Master?' Ginji questioned. 'Oni? Yume?' Ōdanna questioned 'Is it truly you two?' Aya came bundling into the building, 'I'm very sorry my lady but you are needed at the shrine,' Aya panted.

'Calm down Aya,' I said 'What's wrong?' 'Phantoms, from the Apparent Realm,' Aya said 'They must have been caught during the transfer.' 'Go,' Takuma said 'I've got things here covered.' The sword of Talismans zoomed into my hand I created a portal and left. The next morning I was taking a bath in the purified spring water at the shrine to rid myself of the blight, I pushed a little bit of power into myself to make sure the baby was alright.

'Ah, a nice re....' Mahiro screamed as he saw me partially naked. My long hair was covering all the other unseen parts, I waved my hand covering myself in clothes. I dragged him out by his wings, we had arrived at the Inn with me still dragging him by the wings. 'Ow Yume I said I was sorry.' Mahiro whined. 'That's not the point,' I sighed as I let go of him out the back, 'Yume is everything alright?' Yuuichi asked. 'That water, Mahiro,' I said 'Is sacred purified spring water that is meant for God who can get blight or any other ailments caused from fighting phantoms not just for your own personal use. I'm upset that you were using it for your own personal bath.'

I hissed a little noticing blight travel down my arm, I wrote the kanji for healing in midair that went to my arm healing it.

I hissed a little noticing blight travel down my arm, I wrote the kanji for healing in midair that went to my arm healing it

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'You better have a good reason, Mahiro,' Takuma said crossing his arms 'Well I'm waiting.' 'I got nothing,' he said his shoulders sagging, 'I'm sorry being with your Dad Yume the room smells like the gym locker room like in the apparent realm.'

'Look Mahiro we may be in the apparent realm where we won't get hurt as much,' Takuma said 'But when we were Yume's first guardians back then we made a promise to be her guardians and we are which means Yume is our first priority as the Tamayori Princess.' 'The Tamayori princess?' Many of the guests whispered amongst themselves 'The Gods and Goddess' have returned to us.' A guest proclaimed. 

'Give it,' I heard two children fighting over the sword of Talismans 'It's mine, I found it.' I looked to Mahiro who looked away, 'Takuma you know what to do,' I said I knelt down in front of the children 'I do believe that you both have something that neither belongs to children and is mine.' 'We found it here, lady it's mine.' One proclaimed. 'It isn't safe for any of you to be holding,' I said calmly 'This is a powerful sword.' 'It's mine,' the other said. 

'Do you know what the sword is?' I asked. 'No it's just a sword,' one said snottily. 'The sword you hold can only respond to the call of a born God or Goddess,' I said 'This is the Sword of Talismans man by the first gods in the apparent Realm for myself a naturally born goddess the Tamayori Princess. Sword of Talismans heeds my call return to the room I am settled in at the Tenjin-ya.' 

It disappeared in a pink flame, 'Now how are you and the baby?' Takuma asked wrapping his arms around me. 'Perfectly fine,' I said 'You worry too much.' 'Well, I'd just like to ask,' Takuma said before he goes the idea then tossed me over his shoulder taking me back to our suite. Let's just say we didn't leave for the rest of the day until morning.

Takuma had to leave there were some problems in the underworld that needed his attention. Ōdanna invited me to his private lounge room for tea and a catch-up, 'Hundreds of years later you still look the same,' Ōdanna smiled. I sat down and took a sip of the tea in front of me 'Well times have changed since then,' I muttered. 'What do you mean?' He questioned 'You don't look like you've changed, Yume.' 

'Give me your hand it'll be better than explaining everything,' I said as he did I showed him everything that happened, 'I was killed and reborn had a family human my sister treated me as something less than her when she found out I was the Tamayori Princess. When it was all over and done she was gone I never saw her again and life moved on, and here we are now.'

'You are still you,' Ōdanna said 'That will not change, although I'd love to meet your daughters one day.' 'Well I'm sure you'll get to meet this little one,' I smiled placing a hand on my flat stomach 'Takuma is Oni's name now, we're here to stay. That night phantoms form the apparent realm somehow managed to sneak into this world.' 

He chuckled, he held a hand for me 'Let's go for a walk and get out of here for a while,' Ōdanna said I got up 'Where are you both staying.' 'Here for the remainder of my pregnancy,' I said. 'There's a human you well know Aoi,' Ōdanna said 'If you could I'd like for her to feel more at home here. Having a connection to her world might just be what she needs.'

'Of course,' I smiled 'Would you like to meet the other guardians?' He smiled, as we walked out the front door 'Master where are you...' Ginji said as he noticed us, 'Ginji allow me to introduce one of my oldest friends Yume Onizaki Daughter of the God and Goddess Bishamon and Yato. The Tamayori Princess Goddess.' Ginji bowed 'It's a pleasure to meet you.' 'You've already met me Ginji,' I said 'I didn't want to give away who I was too soon after moving to this Realm after so long in the apparent realm. It's been too long since Ōdanna and I last saw each other.' 

'So about these Guardians of yours?' Ōdanna asked. 'I think they're taking a dip in the hot springs,' I said. As we walked down the path the tube kittens began coming up to us rubbing themselves against me, 'This is the first time they've taken a liking to someone else,' Ōdanna mused. I rubbed each one of their head and the disappeared into the bamboo.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2020 ⏰

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