Chapter One

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Our story starts on Thursday, October 1, 1987 in Florida, Western Miami

I woke up to the morning sunlight shining brightly in my bedroom window. Groaning at the pain of the brightness, I shut my window curtains to get ready for the day.

Getting to school has never been a hassle for me, we don't have a school bus that comes to my side of town so either I walk or hitch a ride. Yes, I hitch hike. Like i said, there isn't a school bus and walking for 45 minutes isn't that fun when they're are creeps out and about at 6:30am waiting to do whatever they do to 17 year olds like me. Normally I can pass up a ride with Krissy but latetly her boyfriend's been driving her to school and he totally hates me (I don't approve of the relationship) and I wouldn't want to ride with a rich kid, they're all so arrogant. Off the subject, sorry!

I go to East Miami High School, the only highschool in the town. to get there, you have to go across the train tracks, or sometimes wait for the thousands of cars go across the track. Krissy swore somebody got hit by a trian because he didn't stop. Ever since then I've been afraid to get my license, so I catch I ride.

I'm 17 years of age and I haven't had my first kiss yet, I haven't been looking though. When all the boys you go to school with are your neighbours or the rich kids, you wouldnt want to kiss them either, so I wait for Mr. PC (Prince Charming). This year is Grade 12, senior year, graduating year, whatever you want to call it. I am totally ready for this, grades 1-11 have been a breeze for me, so this year better be good.

When I was five my dad walked out on me and my mom, every night I'd ask the same thing "when's daddy coming home?" He never came home, not until I was 14. When he came home, well I didn't care. I ignored him completely, why do I need him? it took him 9 years to come back, next time it'll take 19 i bet. My mom moved on when he left the second time and married her highschool sweetheart, also know as my Mr. Ratouri, my French teacher. I mean I obviously call him by his first name Joseph, but whatever man.

I get dressed quickly and eat a bowl of oatmeal before I'm on my way to school. "Bye mom! See you after school!" I yell over my shoulder as I close the door and walk to my basket bike (basket attached to front of bike).Getting on the mobile object, I start to pedal to school. On the occasional day I have to bike to school, but I usually get a ride, sometimes with Joseph. I used to love to bike past all the huge houses and thinking about what it be like to live in one, but then reality would pull me back to my life, living in a small house with two bedrooms and only one bathroom.

I arrive at school just on time and hurry to my first class, English.

"Hello class, my name is Mr. Krinklton, I'll be your replacement English teacher for Mr. Silberana. It appears we have a new student with us today, would you be so kind as to introduce yourself Mr. Thomas?" "Uhm hey, my name is Noel Thomas, I transfered from Cleveland High in Arizona. That is all Mr. Krinkltim..oops I mean Mr. Krinklton."

Wow, this Noel guy is quite the catch! His hair is jet black, he has wide brown eyes, and his smile totally lights up the room. Maybe I should introduce myself, be nice to him and become his friend. Well, that'll have to what for after class. Mr. Krinklton is a horrendous teacher, he doesn't understand the meaning of the "O Captain, My Captain" poem and he's apparently stood up and read it to a large audience! How pitiful. After class I shyly walk up to Noels desk, "H-hi, my name is Sara" He looks up at me from his binders and does that heartwarming smile. Oh gosh, I'm staring at him!

"Uhm Hi, well the names Noel, of course you already knew that. Could you show me to Room 164? It's my next class," he says plainly. He doesn't like me I bet. Probably because I stuttered when i came to say hello. Timidly, I nod and show him the way to Room 164. "Thanks, I hope I don't see you around," he laughs out. Huffing, I turn on my heal and walk to my next class. He hopes he doesn't see me around? Oh boy, I hope I don't see him around! How rude and arrogant. Finally six hours later I am surprisingly in the back of Damions car, or as I call him "that guy Krissy is dating" watching the two of them have a kissfest going on. "Get a room guys, or at least drive me home!" I speak out. Both of them ignoring me because they're to engorged in their one on one time, I get out of the car, grab my bicycle from Damion's trunk and get on my basket bike. As I ride away from there kiss festival some stupid car starts to honk at me. After a few times of honking I look over at the car and glare, only to see that the person in the car is.....

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