chapter 1

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It all happened so suddenly but I was prepared... I was a huge nerd when I was in school I learnt  about  zombie outbreaks I always knew it would happen eventually but not so fast and without warning either I managed to get into a bunker in time though. Most people in the bunker are starving and we're all mentally deteriorating  and we wished it was over.. my name is josh the leader of our group. I schedule all the trips outside to look for food.. the other people of my group are as follows: there's Cindy the sassy teen who is worried inside but tries to act calm, theres Bryan, who is more a chill sort of guy and willing to get us food, rose the cool and funny one. I'm writing this to anyone who reads this when the fallout is over so I'm hopefully not forgotten..

DAY 34
I've decided to leave this for a while as there are a lot of things to run in my bunker. I think my group are getting jealous of each other as they have different jobs and some have better ones than the others. I try to keep the peace between them all so we don't argue and fight because if that happens god knows how bad it will be. Rose has become strangely silent when she found some photo and not shown or told anyone about what it is and why she won't let it go. I can't blame her though maybe it reminds her of her family who we all miss.

DAY 42
I've been informed by Bryan that he found out my family had died to the radioactive explosion. I'm crying as I write this but I know I must keep my spirits high and push through the fallout. Cindy feels like she isn't cared about enough to stay we are currently trying to keep her in our bunker. Bryan is doing fine although he's been hanging out with rose alot and I'm starting to think they have some sort of link between each other or there planning something but I'm surprised Bryan can even communicate to rise I'll have to discuss with them tommorow I'll keep my writing updated.

DAY 43
I talked to rose and Bryan in private and they are related through family they are brother and sister so it seems as no surprise that Bryan is the only one that can talk to rose, I asked rose about the picture and she said it was a slightly burned picture of her family including her and Bryan.

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