part 2

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DAY ???
I've lost track of my days and gave up trying to write them we've discovered that we aren't the only ones local to the area and a lot of people are going around with heavy weaponry killing everyone in the bunkers thinking they are containing the infection. We need to get our defenses up quick otherwise we will die. I recommend we go out and look for supplies but rose disagrees she thinks if we stay put they might think the bunker is empty but I go back at her saying, "well a definite is better than might don't you think?" She snapped and threw a rock at me. My head bleeds as blood runs down my cheek I start to black out as she hit me in my right temple of my head I crash to the ground and don't wake up for a while...

DAY ??
I woke up seven hours after I got hit in the head good thing Cindy used to be a nurse she didnt speak to me for a couple days. Bryan seems to have come down with some sort of fever and rose gets worried but she is trying her best to keep him stable and in good health. It seemed as if Cindy lost all hope and gave up.. she broke down during one of our meetings she was having too much of a meltdown to speak so we layed her to bed and let her rest for now.

DAY ???!!
Today was insane. We find Cindy was cutting herself with a sharp rock and she can't handle herself anymore were trying to keep her contained and calm but she just can't snap out of it... my head aches

Day 1345
I've started to write random numbers for the days hoping to keep myself sane by counting... today we found Cindy her feet dangling and her body lifeless... she hung herself.. Rose couldn't contain her tears at the sign nor could Bryan and I have to say the same for myself it was a sad day but we have to wait for the fallout to end

My days end
Bryan went on a journey and never came back me and rose have had a relation ship for the last few years it's been too long.
Rose couldn't handle without Bryan and slit her throat. There i was alone in the bunker sat thinking to myself of how bad a leader I was.. this is the last thing I'll ever be writing to whoever finds this I will be dead by the time anyone does I'll see my friends in heaven.. goodbye..

(You are now seeing the perspective of a kid in the year 5067)

I was walking along the shore today and I found this weird book I thought it looked cool so I took it home and started reading... although while it's set when the fallout happened eons ago news has been spread about a second fallout.. but the news isn't always right... is it? 

*sirens start howling in the distance*

You've been reading the infection by: max weightman

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2018 ⏰

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