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[The camera turned on revealing Kijung, Ozkar, Evan, Mei, Keemi and Andy who was sitting on Jayden’s lap to annoy him]

Andy: What kind of vlive is this?

Jayden: One you weren’t invited to now get off my lap.

[Jayden tried to push Andy off but he held his weight and folded his arms as he pouted.]

Andy: You’re so mean to me Sunbae

Jayden: Keemiiiiiiii make him get off!

Keemi [rolls her eyes]: And you call Andy the child…

Kijung: Do you guys ever not bicker?

Evan: We knew this would happen.

Mei: Just ignore them and someone greet the fans

Ozkar: Hey guys, we are being unoriginal and answering your fan questions

Jayden: Because apparently AOJE isn’t cool enough to come up with our own ideas

Evan: Let's just be uncool then

Andy: I OBJECT! Everything I do is cool

Kijung [rolls his eyes]: Let's just get this lame vlive started.

Mei: This first question is for Andy. Andae4lyf asks Tae or Brandy

[Andy sits there contemplating it.]

Andy: Look, I love my cat but the little female dog doesn't love me back so obviously Tae.

Jayden: You hesitated.

[Andy looks at Jayden and leans into him while smiling]

Andy: That's because I only love you Sunbaenim~

[Andy kissed Jayden's cheek and Jayden finally pushed him off his lap.]

Jayden: Gross!

[Andy gets up while Jayden wipes his cheek. Andy went and sat on Ozkar's lap who just wrapped his arms around Andy's waist and accepted the younger man's affection since he was used to it.]

Keemi: The next question is for Breezi… Jaydo, who is your favorites from BDE and AKE?

Jayden: BDE is obviously you babe and as for AKE… Anyone who isn't Andy.

[Andy pouts with disappointment.]

Andy [Shouting]: LOVE ME DAMMIT!

Jayden [calm and blank]: Over my dead body

Andy: Ew. I'm not into that.

Jayden: He finally gives up.

Evan [Rolls his eyes]: This next one is for all of us. BubblesBubbles wants to know what animal everyone would be. I personally would be a penguin.

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