Emergency Landing

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Authors Note: Merry Christmas to my loyal fans! I wrote this short just in two days for the season of Christmas and for you guys! Love you and hope you guys enjoy it. Its 6 chapters long.

Chapter 1: Emergency Landing

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Chapter 1: Emergency Landing.

Alex Crane

"Mom, my luggage is being checked in as we speak. I got to the Airport an hour early. See you 12 hours. Ill be there for brunch under the Eifle Tower." I told the Monarch of my family. My Mother, Lisa Crane. She has earned her spot as the leader of our tribe the moment after my Dad died in a drive-by shooting. She had two options: Die in spirit or raise her 4 boys who looked up to her for guidance. Thats right she had no girls. All boys and lucky for me I am the youngest so I was spoiled by her the most. My eldest brother, Jamie, is 29. Then its Marvin, 27. And the third one is Legend, 25. And then me at 24. Lets just say they didnt even give sex a break after Legend because we are only 11 months apart.

The Holidays was always special to us, because my dad loved them. He would decorate our house every holiday and his favorite was Christmas. Only because it was the season of giving and togetherness. And Sadly for the pass 3 years life hasnt exactly put us all together..so this year my mom demanded a Christmas out of Virginia. Yup, a destination Christmas in Paris. Everyone has already been there since last Friday. I had a few more things to finish up at my boutique. I had a winter runway show to launch my spring collection. So I am catching my flight today on the 21st. Lucky for me we arent leaving until After New Years. So Its Fine.

"Okay, call us when you land and Legend will come and get you from the Airport. Love you and safe travels, babe." She told me before making kissy sounds. I replied, "Love you too." And made kissy noises back. The man checking in my luggage looked back at me and I snapped, "Its my mom and you need to be focused on making sure my bags dont have bombs in them." I gave him a fake smirk and rolled my eyes.

Moments later, I went thru TSA and brought my Strawberry Acai before heading towards my flight. I placed in my Airpods and blasted Nicki Minaj Queen album as I played around with sketches for this new suit I was making. Something was missing and I dont know what. About 20 minutes later, I boarded the flight my mom paid for first class tickets. One may think we have a little by of money..but being a black hood family growing up we know the real value of a dollar. After my Dad died when I was about 15..he left us a stock in google that she could cash in and it valued at close to 800K. After putting us thru college and living her life ofcourse some of it is gone, but she is stable. The flight took off and I knocked out. Paris see you in twelve hours.

Suddenly, I felt this rocking. I hoped up and looked around as the flight attendant quickly walked down the aisle telling everyone to buckle up. I quickly grabbed the seatbelt and put it on. The pilot came over the intercom.

"Sorry folks we are 8 hours into this flight, but got word that its a snow storm and I have to make an emergency landing at the nearest landing script. I am waiting for word for the nearest one. Everything is under control." He told us as I mumbled, "You got be kidding me." The old man with the white beard across from me must have heard me and asked, "Why you say that? He said we are safe."

"Yes, but I want to be safe with my family in Paris. Now we are going to land in some place and I have to fucking catch another flight..sadly it wont be anytime soon because of this storm!" I snapped as he replied, "Christmas Miracles are always in the placest where you least figure." He smirked at me and just as I was about to reply the Pilot came over the intercom.

"Good news folks. I have pinned in a script to land on. I cant tell you where we are because the GPS is malfunctioning, once we land I will have a better idea. Hold on folks." He told us as I looked across from me for the old man and he was gone. It was weird as shit. The plane descended and landed I tried to look out of the window but the snowing was making it hard to see anything.

The plane came to a stop and a flight attendant walked by. I quickly called out to her and stated, "Hey! Where did the guy across from me go?" She stared over at the empty seat and said, "That seat isnt on the manifest of people." I chuckled as I sat back and mumbled, "Im tripping." The Pilot door open and he walked on to the First Class section.

"We are at a small Airport in the country of Nakoshia. Everyone will be ushered off the plane where AirEurope will provide everyone rooms at the nearest hotel until we can be able to fly again." He explained and as he was about to walk off I quickly said, "Wait! Will we be flying to Paris before Christmas?"

"The word yet. That decision isnt for me to make. First Class can be ushered off now." He told me as I snapped, "You got to be kidding me!" I walked off the plane thru the walk way and into the airport. I looked around and seen a huge mural across the far wall of the country of Nakoshia. It was beautiful, but sadly I never heard about this country in class. Hell, I dont even know where we are at. I pulled my phone out and it was no signal. I cant even call my Mom or brothers. I walked over to a counter and before I can talk she told me, "Baggage pickup is delayed because of the snow. If you are from the emergency landing flight just wait over there and when the lugga—." She stopped talking as she stared at her computer screen. She picked up her walkie-talkie and stated, "The arrival area will be cleared. We only have a few foreigners. The Royal Family is safe to get to the Royal Cars." She looked up at me and stated, "I am sorry, but I have to make sure they make it to their cars." She rushed from around her desk and I stated, "Who?"

"The King and Queen and their twin children..Prince Edward and and Princess Haleigh." She told me as I made my way over toe area she told me with the rest of my flight members and still no sign of that old guy. I took a seat as we seen black suits escorting these people in royal clothes. I was taken back by the designs. The Prince, I-guessed, because he couldnt the the old guy looked my way and he was the most sexiest man for me to ever lay eyes on. As our gaze kept lingering on, my mouth parted slowly. His jet black hair and his sharp jawline was to die for.

"Where Am I?" I pondered.

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