An Itch I Just Can't Scratch

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The air was uncomfortably bitter, thermostat turned all the way until it couldn't be turned anymore. Next months bill would surely suffer, but nobody wanted to think about that now.
Nobody wanted to think at all, as a matter of fact.
Emerald eyes stared up at the steely ceiling, mind reeling to find anything to think about, but the darkness that crawled from the corners of his mind seemed to plant itself firmly in his thoughts.
"Something troubles you."
He hadn't heard the door open, or the footsteps that pattered against the linoleum. Long, ebony locks frame his face as he looks over the edge of the couch, purple eyes searching green ones as if they would give him an answer.
"Sure, Fish-Face, a lot of things trouble me."
He winces at the cruel nickname, but it doesn't get him to go away like Roy had hoped. In fact, he walks around the couch, and sits next to his feet, mug of tea place on the round coffee table.
"Would you like to talk about it?"
"Yeah, maybe. But not right now."
"Okay," He says, but doesn't move.
"Something else I can help you with?"
The Prince looks at him with a small smile, and for once Roy feels him cracking a small smile back.
"I just enjoy your company, is all."
"Is that so?"
The redhead quirks an eyebrow, stupid grin never leaving his freckled face. Garth looks at him like he's the prettiest thing in the world, and it makes his frozen insides warm up just a little bit.
"It's true, unfortunately."
"Unfortunately?" He remarks.
"It's just too bad all we do is stare at each other and talk in these short sentences like we aren't friends or something."
He feels a laugh bubble in his throat, but he swallows it.
"Would you prefer I smother you with affection?"
Before the water bender can even react, even take a breath, Roy pounces, jumping on top of him as laughter rings in his ears.
"Oh yes, I would prefer that."
The rest of the chilly night was spent one on top of the other, featherlight touches and breathy words exchanged. They talk for hours, the tea on the table suddenly gone cold and long forgotten.
And just like the snap of his fingers, Aqualad had made Roy forget whatever he was fretting about before. It was almost like he had a seventh sense that could detect when he was sad.
Not that he was complaining or anything.

[a/n: you can expect an all new Spaqua series very soon. thank you to everyone who has been reading and giving so much kind words, even when I've abandoned this story for so long. I can only hope my writing skills won't fail me now. Much love.]

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2018 ⏰

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