Burnt cookies

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You sit down at your usual table in your cooking class, waiting for the twins to arrive. Usually, the twins arrive not too long after you do, but today they were a lot later than usual. A boy in your class takes the opportunity to take the seat next to you.

"Looks like you're all alone today, y/n." He replies as he scoots closer to you.

"No, Im sure the twins will be here any second," you asure him leaning the opposite way.

"We have to be in groups of at least two, why don't you and I split off an be a group?" He questions flirtatiously.

"I'm not interested, sorry," you reply with an awkward laugh thinking he would leave you alone.

"How do you know you're not interested in me? Just take a chance, babe," he reaches out to touch you, but before he can, a hand grabs his wrist.

"Do not call her babe," Hikaru replied in a forceful tone, "and definitely don't pressure her into dating you, she'll decide when she's ready to date someone." The boy scurries off to his group of friends without another word.

"Sorry we're late," Kaoru apologizes as he hugs you. "We actually got accused of a prank we didn't do, this time that is. Someone put different colored dyes in all of the toilets," he explains dryly as if it was an prank for elementary.

You hug him back relieved that they walked in at just the right time. "It better not have been you two, I would've felt left out." You pretend to pout, puffing out your lip and giving them your best puppy-dog-eyes.

"We wouldn't leave you out of one of our plans," Kaoru laughs as he takes his usual seat next to you. It was true though, the twins never left you out of the loop, in fact, they often snuck you out of class to get your help with one of their pranks. It wasn't like you to be such a troublemaker, but since you met the twins, it brought out your wild side. A side of you that you never knew you had, a side your parents would disapprove of, but you had never been happier.

"Apparently we can't leave you alone either or creeps hit on you," Hikaru grumbles, still keeping an eye on the guy that hit on you earlier.

"I appreciate you both being protective over me," you reply sweetly as you take his hand knowing exactly what to say and do to get him out of his and mood. His mood instantly changes as you continue to praise him.

"Have you ever made cookies before?" Hikaru asks you as he studies the recipe your teacher just handed out. You pull your hair back as you put on your apron.

"Not really, I mean I've seen the cookie boxes at the store and they say just add water, oil and eggs, so how hard can it be?"

The three of you walk to your station to see flour, sugar, eggs, flour, milk, brown sugar, baking powder, chocolate chips and a few other ingredients.

"That's a whole lot more ingredients than what you said," Hikaru teases as he and Kaoru begin to separate the items.

"I didn't say we were making box cookies," you defend as you gaze at the overwhelming amount of ingredients. "Though I wish we were," you sigh as Kaoru begins to read off the instructions.

"Mix the dry ingredients," Kaoru instructs. The three of you look at the mountain of ingredients with wide eyes. "Is this a trick question? They're all dry, unless we're supposed to get some of them wet?" Kaoru and Hikaru look at you as if you're supposed to know the answer.

"Why are you looking at me?! I've had as much experience as you two have." They both shrug, but still stare at you intently awaiting an answer. You sigh heavily as you look at the ingredients and rearrange them. "I think it means liquids and solids," you reply trying to make sense of it.

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