Chapter 3~ Not Ashamed

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A/N-I feel I should clarify that Ben is NOT Benedict. He is an OC and not inany way related to our favourite Cumberbatch. On with the story!


John’s POV

Just one mistake. That’s all it took for everything that he thought was secure to suddenly fall away. He knew, because he had just made his Mistake.

He and Ben had been at Ben’s locker. There had been no-one in sight. Just them and their trembling, nervous hands, cautiously linked behind the steel door. And John had kissed him. For one beautiful, fragile moment, his hand was in Ben’s and the other was on Ben’s cheek, and Ben’s lips were pressed against his. John’s eyes drifted closed – And a jeering laugh shattered the moment. Dazed, the two boys stepped back, wide-eyed, to be met by a wall of camera phones. John bowed his head, used to the daily cruelty of his peers, but Ben turned away, flushed with shame and his eyes overflowing with tears. John forgot about the mockery and the lenses still focused on him, his eyes fixed on the retreating figure of his boyfriend. Shit… What have I done…

Subdued, John turned from them, too broken to raise them a single-finger salute; too angry to speak. One voice rose over the roar.

I knew you were a faggot! JUST LIKE YOUR SISTER!” Screamed a jubilant Moriarty. John blinked the tears from his eyes and kept walking with his head down and his shoulders hunched, doggedly following the vague form of Ben.

“Ben,” he croaked, his voice a broken whisper. “B-Ben!” He strained his voice louder, not caring about the weak crack within it. Ben stopped walking, but didn’t turn around. John drew level with him and just stared hopelessly up at him. “I’m so sorry…” He whispered, his lips numb. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry!” He repeated, begging wordlessly for Ben to forgive him, accept him… Anything. Just to not reject him. Ben stared down at him, hazel eyes dull. John’s face drained.

“I-it’s me. Ben, please, it’s me.” His lips framed the same words again and again, but the words couldn’t pass. Something flicked inside the taller boy and two strong arms were gripping John’s shoulders, pressing him against Ben’s chest. Overcome by pure relief, John’s fingers gripped the back of his jumper, desperately holding him as he breathed into Ben’s chest. “I’m sorry…” He whispered. “I’m sorry.” Ben lowered his head to John’s ear.

“No. I’m sorry. I didn’t know they did… That to you.” He whispered, tickling John’s ear slightly with his breath. John giggled quietly and shook his head. Slowly, he stepped back, gazing into Ben’s face, filled with calm acceptance. Ben nodded once, decisive. John smiled shyly, and slipped his hand back into Ben’s. The chuckle he earned was enough to lift his spirits, and he raised his chin with pride and squared his shoulders.

He would not be ashamed.

Sherlock’s POV


Sherlock smiled as he had his breakfast – coffee and an egg. He knew Moriarty would be leaving John alone from now on. Why would he lie to Sherlock? Even better, it was Chemistry all day on a Tuesday. It was his turn to be better than Mycroft. He smirked as he visualised his brother miserably trying to create chemicals to the same standard as Sherlock – Sherlock had succeeded in creating medical-grade insulin three years ago! His brother just didn’t seem to grasp it. It was beyond the curly-haired boy why, it was hardly difficult. But, in any case, Mycroft hated his brother’s competence at the science.

Sherlock finished his coffee and shook out his hair, already dressed and in his lab coat. He ran up to Mycroft’s room and was just about to barge in and announce that he was to be dressed and ready now, because Sherlock wanted to do some preparation, when an odd auditory hallucination struck him. Or, at least, he hoped that was what it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2014 ⏰

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