the earthquake of 2018

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I Was in a small hallway when the earthquake hit

right next to a door frame, but on the other side of the hall there were these two giant stacks of chairs. Thankfully I was between the stacks of chairs

I tried standing up to get in the door frame but by the time I stood up the big wave hit and I was knock straight back to the ground

so I just held onto the door frame and pushed myself as close to the wall as possible

Covered my head and neck with my arm and hand and started to pray

When the power went out I just started to cry because I thought I was going to die

When the fire alarm started to go off I thought it was over

I sat in the hallway floor sobbing and crying

I think that was my second panic attack I've had

We were all told to go outside, and I called my mom

We were outside for about 30 minutes waiting for the fire department to arrive

When we all got back inside the first Aftershock hit

A kid fainted in the classroom I was in

It took my mom 4 hours after the quake to get me to go home

Thank god no one died, but every time I feel one, I got into panic mode.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2018 ⏰

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