The Hourglass

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A/N: A little heads up, these are short descriptives nothing more, I'll post them when they come to mind. This is just a peek at the things I ponder whilst writing my Teaberry Chronicles.

Red sand bleeding through a minuscule hole in a glass. Escaping from its prison, only to fall into another. The cycle repeats, minute after minute and yet the blood red sand still attempting to escape from its infinite prison.

     My innate fascination with this crimson sand, stems from my own need for freedom, and so too am I like this sand; trapped for all time in this infinite loop. This loop is what is known as the mind.

My mind, you see, has a rather unique trait. However, what I consider unique, I am sure that you might consider it to be; insanity.

You see, unlike the people you consider "normal", I am what is known by most as weird, deranged, and down right delirious. Is it perhaps because, through my eyes I see the world through a cracked lens?

Perhaps, but no. It is because, to them, I sputter nonsense and prattle on like some raven lunatic, but you see; it's not nonsense to me at all. On the contrary! It's genius at work!

They see me as a mad man, but what is a madman? Perhaps it is someone with a different ideology from everyone else's? Even further perhaps, those ideals don't match or fit in with the social standings of everyone else? The same could be said about anyone!

Everyone sees everyone a madman or woman due to their ideology not coinciding with someone else's. Suffice it's to say that, the reason they think it lunacy is because they disagree? Or is perhaps, that it appears odd to them or even unconventional? Isn't that too not also considered madness?

Now I am sure by now you are questioning your own sanity. Or perhaps you are questioning why it is that you are still reading? Or perhaps even still, you stopped reading entirely?

In any case, if you survived this far, then you must in some way be quite mad yourself! Am I wrong? I think not, for if you were the slightest bit sane, you would have stopped reading after the analogy of an hourglass in the same manner as a prison.

Is it not a prison? Forever doomed to fail in escaping their confines? Unless of course, someone consider themselves a genius and break the glass? However, herein lies  two problems!

  1.) The red sand escapes its glass prison, all over the table, only to remain in a pile on said table for someone to clean it up.

  2.) The hourglass has lost its sole purpose and must also be despised of.

Whose feelings would you consider?
The hourglass, whose purpose were to count the time of an hour. Or the sand, whom desperately sees freedom?

Although, by now you are questioning your own sanity once again, as to why you are considering the "feelings" of in adamant objects!

So tell me, do you still consider yourself sane? How can you? After trying to feel sympathy for an hourglass and the sand that resides within its glass confines? Hardly sane at all.

By now you've probably forgotten all about how I compared myself with the hourglass I so eloquently spoke of before. However, I believe if you have humored me this long and remain ever curious of this analogy, then by all means I shall satiate your eager curiosity.

You see, this town Teaberry, it in itself is a prison to its people. Everyone dreams of leaving but no one really leaves. Making plans to escape the ongoings of this town, only to have them fall through that minuscule hole and never take flight.

I'm sure if you speak to the locals they would disagree, but not all share the ideology of the rich and well off socialites of this town.  The upper echelons if you will.

So you see, everyone one feels trapped every now and again,yet they do nothing about it. Why? Because change scares those who've grown use to the familiar. Therein lies the prison of not only the mind, but the body as well. Growing use to the things that no one should ever become accustomed to.

In the end, our lives are like that hourglass, sitting on a table, and doomed to repeat itself forever.

Don't you agree? Oh that's right, your ideology might be different than mine.

See what I mean?

A/N: If you survived my madness, congrats. I don't know why I didn't do this sooner to be honest. But I am hoping my insanity sparks once more to share with you all.
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