What Am I?

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I tend to stray away from the phrase "who am I" and instead use "What am I". The reasoning is simple: As a human being on this earth, I am made of the same basic materials as every other thing in the universe. Elements, atoms, particles. We're all the same and all related. I'm practically cousins with the alien I have yet to meet since we are both made of the same elements, whether he's Carbon based or not. Because everything that exists now was created when the universe was created at the big bang. Now back the question... What am I? I don't really know. I'm not even sure what's real and what's not. These words... are they real? This screen that you're looking at to read this... is that real? Who really knows? That's a trick question. Because really, nobody can prove whether or not anything is real. It's a paradox. If nothing is real, then there are two possible outcomes. One, everything is real since the not real thing is real. For instance, if we are living in a simulation, then that simulation is real and therefore everything is real, despite it seeming like it isn't. Our perceived reality doesn't necessarily equal the true reality. The second outcome, which is a bit more complicated, is that nothing is real and therefore nothing truly exists. In other words, we are fake. But according to the first hypothesis, that wouldn't be possible, would it? But in all honesty—anything is possible if everything and nothing is real.

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