double oof

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heyyy it's been years since I've posted but I don't make it a priority bc no one reads this so uh 😫👊

anyway I'm fuckin depressed as shit and life has no meaning so uh thats cool I guess 🤪

also I'm fat and acne is really having a party on my face wow what a nice surprise! but yeah I hate myself and I'm basically in a state of perpetual existentialism and I'm drawing away from my friends and family and I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with my life bc I'm just numb and living on auto pilot and I'm not sure if I should really talk to my therapist about it bc I have no reason to be sad but the past three months have been kinda bad but I feel guilty and ashamed of having a mental illness bc my life isn't bad except for my mom's illness but even that, as "traumatic" as it was, isn't an excuse for me to be a whiny little bitch hahahahaha 🙃🤧🤘🙏

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2019 ⏰

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