+ Chapter Two

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The school day went slower than usual, causing me to almost go brain dead. Seriously, school should be optional.

At least I was in my last class for today. The only bad thing is Katelynn Peters is in it.

Don't get me wrong, she's badass and could probably set the school on fire if she wanted to. We've just had a dark past together.

About two years ago (eighth grade) Katelynn was the rich popular girl in school. She had everything a perfect family, boys, clothes, yachts, she even had her own private airplane. Which I got to ride on since we were best friends.

Everything was perfect.

That was until her dad unexpectedly died and her mom was charged for his murder.

Everything changed after that.

Katelynn went away for a year to stay at foster homes until her uncle and aunt could take her in. And during that time she picked up some horrible habits. Smoking, stealing, taking drugs, vandalizing, and many others.

Blonde haired makeup queen turned into black haired bad girl, in less then a year.

That wasn't the worst thing though.

When she returned she blocked everyone out. I remember I went over to talk to her but she ignored me, only sending a dirty glare my way.


I nearly fell out of my seat. Luckily I caught myself on the edge of the desk. I heard a snicker from behind me, probably from Katelynn. I ignored it and quickly packed up my things.

Getting up and hurried down the jam packed halls to my locker.

Twelve... forty-three... ten

I pulled my backpack out of my locker and stuffed my binder into it. Shutting my locker, I heading out of the prison and into the bright sunny day.

"Sarah," someone called out from behind me.

I turned around and smiled as Lindsey came running over.

"Excited for the game?"

"Of course," I replied. "It's going to be amazing."

Lindsey nodded. "Our only probably is Blake, he said he has a 'party' to go to."

I scoffed. "Wow."

Okay so Blake has one problem. He loves parties and sometimes skips practice... and games. But it only happens every once in awhile so he's able to make up for it and stay on the team.

"Hopefully he shows up, we need our right wing." Lindsey frowned.

"I'll talk to him," I said reassuringly.

Lindsey smiled before heading off towards her car. "Thank you, see you later."

Once I got to my car where Lily and Lucas were waiting, the three of us drove to Carbone's for our traditional good luck dinner.

We did this whenever I had a hockey game, Lucas had a basketball game or track competition, and when we've just had a hard day.

It did always seem to work as good luck.

I quickly put on my gear and slid out onto the fresh ice rink.

I watched as my teammates slowly followed suit. Their faces' full of excitement

Noah slid over and stood besides me watching the crowd slowly and constantly grow.

"There's never been this many people here," he whispered. "If I fail..."

"You can do it," I smiled.

I wasn't lying at all. Noah had already won two championships. He's the best goalie I've been on a team with.

"Watch me accidentally do the splits again," Noah said shaking his head. I laughed, and the two of us did our team handshake before parting ways.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Holy Cheez-it's, Lakevile is tough. We're going to have to work extra hard to win this game.

I smiled to myself and opened my eyes. Our opponent across the rink glared at us with such coldness you'd think they're made of ice.

"Kaden," I started turning to my teammate. "What position are–" I paused.

Kaden was frozen. Like a mannequin, stuck in an awkward position, his crooked smile plastered on his face.

A cold shiver ran through my veins as I noticed in horror, that everyone around me was in the same stone cold state.

The coach.

The audience.


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