+ Chapter Four

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As lunch time came I stepped into the bright cafeteria and looked around to find my best friends. Once I found them I noticed that Lucas was just sitting with Noah, Lindsey, Kyle, but no Lily.

Where's lily?

Sitting down at the table Noah turned to me and smirked. "What's up Williams, how are you?"

"Pretty good." The two of us did our team handshake.

Noah swung his arm over my shoulder. "Cool."

"Hey where's Lily?" I asked Lucas.

Lucas shrugged. "I think she said something about meeting a teacher about art."

Darn it.

"Man, I needed to talk to her." I sighed.

Noah leaned closer. "Why talk to her when I'm right here?"

I laughed and pushed his arm off. "Nah, bro."

Noah frowned and pretended to cry causing the whole table to roll their eyes and laugh.

Soon lunch was over. Pretty much the whole time Noah was throwing food at the popular girls, Lucas was talking to Lindsey about track, and me and Kyle were discussing NHL future scores.

As we exited the crowded cafeteria, Lily ran up to me.

"I'm so sorry." Lily gave me a sympathetic look. "I had to talk with Ms. Flen about art club."

"That's okay. What about we meet after school at GingerGrove Coffee Shop?" I suggested.

Lily nodded and gave a thumbs up. "See you then."

I pulled my NIKE hoodie over my head as I stepped out into the small coffee shop.

The warm aroma of brewed coffee, and the sweet smell of melted marshmallows in hot chocolate filled the air.

Lily looked up from her book and waved me over to her seat in the corner away from any nearby costumers.

"So What did you need to tell me?" Lily asked smiling.

"It's kinda complicated..."

Lily shrugged. "That's okay, I stan complicated people and ideas."

I smiled. "Well..." For the next ten minutes I quickly explained everything that had happened during the afternoon up to that point.

"Everyone froze?" Lily repeated crossing her legs and looking at me in surprise.

I nodded. "I know it doesn't make sense but it did happen."

Lily thought for a moment. She grabbed her sunflower yellow messenger bag and pulled out a large dusty book.

"What's that?" I asked.

She ignored me, flipping through the handwritten pages. Some of the pages appeared to be ripped and they all looked like someone had burnt the edges.

"Here it is." Lily turned to book around for me to see what was written.

Time Freezing -

Stopped the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole. Causing only an individual, free from outside control, to be able to continue to roam around freely.

The only way one can control such power is to say a certain key word at a specific time. This triggers a reaction, stopping the universe for a set of time, one hour or less.

"Where did you get this book?" I asked pausing from the reading to look up at Lily.

She softly smiled and shrugged. "An old thrift shop."

I nodded before going back to the reading.

Once in the frozen world trance you can start the universe again by thinking: "وقف الوقت" or if  you don't know the semitic language of the Arabs, spoken by some 150 million people throughout the world, you will pronounce it was: REE-ZOO-MM  UNI-VERSE or "resume universe".


"I know right." Lily pulled the book back towards her, and traced her finger over the handwriting. "Should've taken Arabic."

"Did you really get this from a thrift shop?" That seemed hardly possible.

"Of course, you know there are plenty of cool things to find at those kinds of places." Lily said looking down at her vintage clothes.

"Agreed. But how is this whole time freezing thing possible?"

"Sometimes the impossible is actually possible, I mean the word: impossible, literally spells: I'm possible."

"Are you sure I didn't just–"

Lily raised a hand stopping me. "No, it's real." She put her hands on my shoulders. "I promise, understand?"


"Good." She dropped her hands. "Now let's start, describe again what happened before the time froze?"

"Umm well, I remember Noah was freaking out, I laughed, and then turned to Kaden," I said.

Lily ushered for me to continue.

"Then I asked him what position is he gonna do next year. I didn't get to finish my sentence though before I noticed he was frozen."

"Hmm, I'm gonna assume time didn't freeze just now, since you didn't freak out, so I suggest you try to think more about what you said or thought."

I sighed impatiently. "Can't you just like ask your magic book what the word is?"

"It's not magic," she snapped. "It's just a book full of natural chemical reactions. Even if I could ask it, it wouldn't work because each person is different."


For the next fifteen minutes Lily and I tried to figure out exactly what I said, but nothing seemed to work.

"Ugh, Maybe we should try about tomorrow," I said wearily.

Lily raised an eyebrow. "Continue."

"Omg," I glared at her. "The only other thing I said– or thought, is Holy Cheez-it's, Lakevile is–"

I paused and stared at Lily.

"My code word is Cheez-it's... yay,"

Authors Note:
Happy Holidays! HAPPY NEW YEARS! ✨
If you guys have any questions please comment them and I'll reply as soon as possible.
The language translation was so tricky, and there's a reason why I choose to do Arabic, I'll maybe explain in a later post.
Lastly, if you didn't notice I changed to cover! 💙
Hope you guys enjoy :)
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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2019 ⏰

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