One Taught Me Love

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Hoseok came into the kitchen with his shoulders slightly hunched and his feet dragging. His warm eyes met mine and his mouth curled into that precious grin that my heart melted for. He was tired but I could see his body relax at the sight of me.

"The house smells amazing, Yuri." He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, making sure to wiggle his nose. "I can't thank you enough for making me dinner."

"You work hard enough being a trainee. You deserve to have this." I turned to go toward the freezer. I'd noticed him favoring his left ankle recently, even though he wouldn't admit it. My intention was to get the ice pack I'd put in there earlier for his ankle but I didn't make it.

I took one step with my back to him before he touched me. His hand was light at first. Just barely a brush on my shoulder. His fingertips slowly applied pressure as he pulled me toward him. His chest pressed gently against my back. His arms encircled me and held me to him. His chin rested on my shoulder while his head leaned against mine. His warmth seeped into my soul.

"Yuri." I closed my eyes as I imagined his mouth curling around my name. His voice was low, but not quite a whisper. I couldn't help the smile that twitched on my lips. I brought my hands up to hold onto his wrists.

"Hoseok." I leaned back into him. I tried to sketch every detail into my memory. His smell, his warmth, his kindness. He was everything a girl could want.

"I couldn't do this without you." His voice broke into a whisper. It sounded like his heart broke from the words.

"I wouldn't want you to." I squeezed his wrists and he squeezed me back.

"I'm serious."

I inhaled deeply. I felt as though the floor disappeared from under me. I pulled away from him slightly to turn to face him. He loosened his arms to let me turn but didn't drop them. His hands help my shoulders. He was giving me that goofy wide grin that made his eyes shine with his happiness.

"You are my reason to push through everything."

I bit my bottom lip and dipped my head down slightly, lowering my eyes from his.

"And just in case I didn't tell you this morning, you are beautiful."

"I love you."

My entire body burned. It wasn't planned or perfect, but it was my first time with those three words. My pulse raced. Hoseok's hands left my shoulders to cradle my face. His thumbs brushed just in front of my ears while his fingers slipped into my hair. He pulled me forward and leaned in until our lips brushed.

I could feel his smile against my lips. It made my stomach flip and a little giggle escape. Then he captured my lips fully with his. I was ever so grateful for his hands holding my head as I melted into his kiss.

He was so warm. This wasn't our first kiss but the feeling was new. His lips were soft and slightly wet as they pulled away only a few centimeters before reconnecting with mine. His lips were gentle as they applied pressure to mine. It was enough to make a girl faint.

Both of us were breathing heavy when we separated. Hoseok rested his forehead on mine.

"I love you, Yuri." His was grinning like an absolute fool. "I love you more than anything in this world."

Another giggle escaped me.

"Will you say it again?"



"Hoseok, I love you."

"I don't think I can sick of hearing it. Again?"

"I love you."

Hoseok gave me a soft, small kiss. "You make me the happiest. Again!"

I placed my hands on his chest and pushed lightly. "Come on Hoseok. It's time to eat."

"I need to hear it."

"You need to eat."

"And I will. After you say it again."

I narrowed my eyes at him and he nodded. His hands dropped from my face though he didn't move away from me. "I love yo-," my voice went up at the end this time. Hoseok had managed to surprise me by lifting me up. My legs instinctively wrapped around his waist while his hands held my thighs to him.

"I love you." He leaned back so that I fell more into him. His lips easily found mine to give me another long, electrifying kiss.

We eventually made it to the table where I made sure he got plenty of food on his plate. We talked about his day and his upcoming work schedule. We talked about my classes and exams. Hoseok stopped every few minutes to ask me to say it again. He kept one hand on me at all times. Sometimes it was as simple as holding my hand on the table or rubbing his thumb on my knee. Other times he was trailing his hand up and down my back or resting it on the back of my neck.

Hoseok taught me how to love. We both thought our love would have lasted forever.

But then his big break came. His debut. He was ready. I wasn't.



Hello Everyone. Hope you have enjoyed. This one is very fluffy and lovey. Let me know what you think in the comments? I'd love some feedback!

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