One Taught Me Pain

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Yoongi had me smitten from the moment he smiled at me. It was another event I had to attend for work. I had seen him earlier in the night with his black suit and blank face. He hadn't seemed like he was enjoying himself then. But once we ended up sitting together, we couldn't keep ourselves from staring and smiling at each other.

He was so passionate when he talked about his music. He had just been brought on as a producer and his excitement was unparalleled. I loved seeing his eyes light up everytime he mentioned how grateful he was for the chance.

We ended up leaving early to go to his new studio. He wanted to show off and I enjoyed watching. I ended up falling asleep on the couch. When I woke up I was curled into Yoongi's side on the couch. When he woke up, I received a very cute chaste kiss to my forehead and an invitation for breakfast.

We had breakfast and there were several small touches exchanged along with secret smiles. Once we were saying our goodbyes, Yoongi cupped my face and kissed me. He was gentle and slow, only giving me the slightest of pressure on my lips.

It was simple to say that things moved quick for Yoongi and I.

Our relationship came natural and easy.

We were living together after only three months. We both had our day time work and then we hardly slept. We would spend our nights just taking each other in. We were absolutely in love.

It was once we started to talk about the future that our beautiful story started to fall apart.

"You can't be serious, Yoongi." I shook my head and tried to keep the tears from falling. My eyes burned but it was nothing compared to the splitting in my head and heart. "How could you even say that?"

"Calm down Yuri." His tone was still like ice.

"Don't you dare tell me to calm down." I growled before turning on my heel to storm to our bedroom. "You know how important this is to me." With my back turned to him, my control faltered and several tears glided down my cheeks.

"I'm not saying you can't go, ever. I just don't think it's a good idea to go now." His cool touch was at my wrist, trying to pull me back into him. Hearing his tone soften only sparked my anger more.

I snatched my arm from him and whirled around. Yoongi's eyebrows furrowed and whatever anger he had left him as he zeroed in on the tears. My hands clenched into fists. "I would never ask you to give up music."

"Yuri," he purred my name in an almost whisper and brought his hand up to brush away the tears that had collected on my chin. "I don't want you to give up anything. I just think it's best if we wait."

I scoffed. "We didn't wait when they wanted to move you from a producer to an idol. We didn't wait when you wanted to work on your own stuff at the side." Another tear betrayed me. "We don't wait for you, Yoongi. You just want us to wait for me."

He sighed and dropped his head. "I don't want to lose you." His defeated posture pulled at my heart.

"You think I don't worry everytime you go into the studio?" I gave a dry chuckle. "That some pretty new idol is going to walk into your little room and see you for all the talent you have? You're in a business that constantly surrounds you with people that could easily steal you from me. The difference, Yoongi, is that I trust you."

He shook his head and his shoulders squared back up. His eyes glared at me with frustration. "It's not that I don't trust you."

"Right, it's that you don't trust the people I'll be around? Isn't that how the cheesy line goes?"

"God, Yuri! Can you just be quiet!" He ran his hands through his hair, pulling it back.

"Sorry that I'm not just another silent house wife your mother is always trying to set you up with Yoongi. Maybe you should just go and create this fake love with one of them."

There was a sound that came from chest and I knew I had crossed a line. I knew I should've stopped. But I didn't.

"You should stop using me as just something to hide behind so you don't have to tell your mother the truth. Right, Yoongi? The truth that you don't want to get married."

His eyes were dark and his lips were pressed tightly together. I could almost see them going white. He turned away from me and strode toward the entrance. He didn't look back. He didn't say another word. He just left.

As soon as the door slammed behind him, I broke down. I fell to my knees. I banged my fists on the ground. I cried and screamed.

It wasn't fair. But it wasn't his fault either.

Yoongi and I couldn't quite put ourselves back together. I apologized for bringing marriage into the argument, knowing it was a soft spot for him. He confessed that he was worried he'd lose me to my career, not an affair.

We made up, but the wounds were already there. And they were so easy to reopen.

We carried on for another few months. We made some of my favorite memories. But it always came down to this war. Yuri against Yoongi. Yoongi against Yuri. Until finally, we both gave up and stopped trying to fix it.



That's it! Or at least, that could be it. Would you guys like to have one for each boy? Let me know in the comments please

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2018 ⏰

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